"O God, You are my God...my soul thirsts for You...in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Honest Confessions of a Discipler...

So Jesus tells me in his two-part "Great Commission" in Mt. 28:18-20 that I am to 'teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded.' To do that is to be a discipler (teaching someone to be a follower of Someone).
I never cease to be amazed at how God takes a vessel of clay like me and brings me hard things to break me of myself, then uses that same vessel even during the lifelong process of 'being changed from glory to glory'. That's a mystery.
I know me. I know how many days I feel the waves of the past lapping at my feet, threatening to suck me into a black abyss of unknown depths. I know the trauma from my past and I know the sinfulness that I am capable of outside of Jesus, and every single day, there is an enemy mocking me and trying his very best to pull me back into the horrible pit that God brough me out of when He set my feet on the Solid Rock.
I marvel at how God brings peace and grace in a flood beyond comprehension over my life every day that I choose to tend the broken, despite my own undoneness and my own need of mending. I am constantly amazed at how, even when I feel I have no resources when a need arises that God calls me to tend to, He is there with all the resources and equips me for that which He calls me to do.
I keenly feel the truth of Jesus' words, "The fields are white unto harvest but the laborers are few." All around me are sleeping Christians, or half-sick ones who have never walked honestly through their 'stuff' and found the King of kings to truly be their Lord of all. I encounter Christians who are weak because they are cumbered about with many things of earth and don't seem to realize that heaven is their home. There is a revolving door on my house and often I wish to share the load with others who could be just as capable if they would choose to let God break them of their other loves that take them away from being white hot with His Holy Spirit fire. I weep...in loneliness and longing to put my shoulder against the shoulders of others and together labor in the fields. (Oh, I am so deeply grateful for ALL the wonderful reapers I do encounter, tho. Don't get me wrong. I simply say here that they seem far and few between, and I understand from Scripture that this is reality in anyone's life who is a laborer in God's vineyard)

I confess that at times I find myself infuriated with the ones whom God called to be at a certain post but they come up unfaithful in one way or another, causing these little ones to stumble. But I turn my heart toward compassion and grief for those sinners as well, longing to meet with them and restore them to their children, who sit with me in deep heart break over the sins of their 'fathers'. I long to see them reconciled and being witnesses that Jesus lives. You see, I still 'believe that the Christ who was slain on the Cross has the power to change lives today/For He changed me completely, a new life is mine/That is why, by the Cross I will stay...' I believe that and I truly long for all the sinners to come home and be changed by the Savior who changed me. "I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see" is not only true in my life but it can be in anyone's life and I choose to allow God to press that on my heart instead of bitterness and anger.
I confess that I lose sleep at times over this harvesting job. I see in my dreams different people who God brings thru my doors and my life and I toss on my bed at night as their sorrow becomes mine. I sometimes weep for my own broken places, the places I cannot fix and that depend on other people's cooperation to be truly 'fixed'...I lose sleep, but not in worry so much as in prayerful concern. It feels like a great privilege to me to be awakened in order to care and pray and weep over someone's heartache and need.
I am humbled that the God of heaven chose vessels of clay through which to do some of his work. I know who I am outside of Jesus Christ and who He still needs to make me. But I am willing to be his servant and I feel privileged to minister life to others. I can love much because I have been loved much. I can show grace because He has shown me much grace. Much is required of me because I have been given much. I know that I can never repay Him the debt I owe, but I give him my life.
Jesus came to serve, not be served. This I am reminded of over and over again in those days when I feel I'm tending but 'who is tending my heart?' I am made of dust and sometimes the feelings are real and I just want to be the 'tended'. God is amazing. He makes sure every single need of mine is taken care of. Not always in the way I would have thot He should, but whatever He does, He does well. Focusing on surrender and not insisting on being 'tended my way in my timing' helps greatly. And the words of Isaiah 58 are true...when we turn our hearts to God and to tending the broken, we are quickly healed. It amazes me over and over again how the rewards for obedience are many and quick to arrive.

Will you join me? Will you let God break you of all that you would pridefully cling to of yourself so that you can mature and go forth into the fields that are white unto harvest? Will you join me in weeping and praying? Will you love God with your all so that you can love your neighbor as yourself?
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
Healing Comes Through Loving...
Recently, my husband preached a sermon at church...his thoughts on the common
problem that has been around in churches for generations...the problem of trying
to climb up into the sheepfold of God by some other way than by the
blood of Jesus Christ...
This manifests itself in myriads of ways, from trying to earn salvation
by worshiping traditions and thus controling people through
trying to force them to dress a certain way or to practice a certain way
in things that God clearly allows 'differences in administration' in,
to indifference and saying that God will accept me and I don't have to
walk His way in order for me to be saved.
One thing that really stood out to me was sort of a 'rabbit trail'
thought as he was reading Isaiah 58. In the NLT it really stood out to me.
When we give our lives to God and in our love and devotion to Him,
we dedicate our days to tending the broken and needy in our lives,
then we ourselves are healed.
I have looked back alot the past few weeks as that Scripture came to me.
And it's true...when I chose to lay down my life and give over to God
all the hurts and sorrows from trauma and grief I experienced,
then God brought to my life those who needed me to be
brave and loving...
my husband, my children, relatives, friends, young people...
and there were many days that I felt stretched
beyond what I was able to give because of my own
painful feelings, but I consistently kept on loving and giving.
And you know what? God healed me. I don't know exactly when
it happened. I can't say what the time frame was when I finally
FELT healed...
FELT healed...
but I do know that Isaiah 58 is true...
first because God said it and also be cause I've experienced it.
So today, I want to encourage anyone who feels torn up
inside because of life's trauma and pain...
whether it's from the death of a loved one,
or the shattering pain of being rejected by loved ones,
or because you have been despised by others,
or because you have decided to follow Jesus
in the simplicity that He brings but your church
doesn't agree that you are on the right track and are
treating you rudely...
I know those times are soul crushing and
can be extremely painful.
Can you hear me when I say...
healing comes from loving God and loving others?
One day at a time.
One moment at a time...
quietly giving your cares to Jesus,
and don't dump them out in frustration
on others....
"In quietness and confidence shall be your strength."
If you would like prayer, or someone to share with,
feel free to leave a message on this post. It will
not publish but I will see it and will be glad to pray for you
or share more with you if you wish.
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I Can Trust Jesus...
This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...