This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity,
just like anyone else in this world,
to experience the reality of this many times in my short life.
God is sovreign. It took me a number of years to
grab onto and cling fiercely to the truth
that as His child, I will have nothing done to me,
taken from me, or withheld from me that
He does not allow or ordain for
my good and His glory.
Grasping this and breaking completely in this
has given me amazing freedom to simply be.
I am His.
He is mine.
I don't need to worry.
I don't need to pine away for what
I don't have that it seems I should,
or for what was/is done to me that
is not God's way,
nor do I need to have constant knee-jerk
reactions when life's imperfections touch
me in real ways very often in a week's time.
Go to the Father weeping?
Oh yes.
Surrendered in the weeping?
Great freedom is found there.
Hold to God's unchanging hand.
In that holding, in the yieldedness,
in the vulnerable place of completely
entrusting my life to this One whom
I have never seen and yet His fiery
presence fills my heart,
is one of the most joyous places I
have ever experienced to live.
There, I find life's meaning:
know HIM...
and in the knowing of Him,
I 'unconsciously' make Him known to others.
In this place of freedom, I hear
from Him how to pass along His truth to
my friends and family...
calling for them to come with me
into His presence where there is
fullness of joy.
In this place of trusting freedom,
I find the ability to be grateful,
because praise to Him is powerful,
no matter if my circumstances change,
or if they stay the same for
what seems to stretch out before me
like a long winding river whose
end I cannot see.
He is able.
He is faithful.
He is all knowing.
He will keep me always.
A number of years ago, a dear friend sent me this song.
I know that I shared it on this blog before, but
I share it again because recently it has really been
ministering life to me once more as I walk
thru a harder season than some I have walked
in recent years. I hope that it can encourage you too.
I Can Trust Jesus
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