Thursday, May 25, 2017

Noticing the Beauty...

I was thrilled last PM to accept my Farmer's invitation to go on a date with him as
he planted his last acres of organic crops before the rain was predicted to arrive.

 It's been a very rainy spring
so far, and altho every year
seems to be a walk of faith
in the farming world,
this spring especially
seemed that way with 
all the rain keeping
us out of the fields
and the calendar silently
telling us that the
deadline for planting
all those seeds we bought
was marching steadily
closer each day.

Our family is in a
strange season of life,
the parents have reached
middle-age and the
children are all 
and it seems the Lord
is doing a bit of
shaking in our
lives, preparing
us for a new season,
the details of which
only He knows.

We are open to His call
to come higher in our
personal walk with Him,
and we are waiting on
Him to show us 
what He has in store
for us in the next season.

The longer Lamar and I walk this journey of marriage/life together,
the more we are aware that is is important to enjoy the beauty and life
while it is today. No one knows that tomorrow we will have each other,
and so we are trying to simply enjoy the days as God gives them.

So last night, even tho
the buddy seat in the tractor is
meant for a small child and is
uncomfortable, requiring the
occupant of said seat to 
hold herself on in many
uncomfortable positions,
and even tho there was a whiff
of stinky fish fertilizer that
wafted to my nostrils on
I basked in the beauty of the
evening...the sun that was sinking
down behind the hills,
the fresh summer night air
each time we got out to refill
the planter,
the honeysuckle blooming
profusely in the hedgerows,
the giant purple alliums
growing in the tall grasses
that tell their tales of days
gone by when a gardener lived
on this farm,
the 'birthday cake' white chocolate
that I was saving in my purse
for a special occasion,
the calloused hand of the Farmer
in my own hand as we
hiked across the freshly worked
soil and up the steep hill of the field
lane to get the truck at dusk,
that I had health enough to do that
with him, for the climb was arduous;
the quiet of the tractor cab,
with occasional conversation 
mingling with the comfortable silence,
and most of all,
I praise God that this Farmer of mine
seeks Him,
and cares for my heart.

"We have this moment today..."
Friends lost their father this week,
suddenly and without warning.
"Yesterday's gone, and tomorrow
may never come...
BUT we have this moment

Will we spend those moments in worry?
Fretting over lost hopes and broken dreams?
Or will we appreciate the gifts that He 
DAILY loads us with,
resting in His unchanging grace
and completely trusting His ability
to lead us safely to wherever we are going?

I choose praise.
I choose trust.
I choose to love.
I choose HIM.

Because He lives,
I can face tomorrow.

The view out of our window a few weeks ago...

We plowed the fields...
We scattered the good seed on the ground...
Now we wait expectantly for the harvest
that only GOD can produce.
And while we wait,
we will live and love in the moments
He gives us.

Friday, May 12, 2017

That Others May See...

The many workings of God I will only ever see 'thru a glass darkly' 
on this side of eternity.
But something really stood out to me when I read this
 Psalm on this quote card one day this week, 
and then it popped up again in the "Praise Him Anyway" reading challenge
 that our family is doing several nites a week.

If I have been rescued from a pit and my feet have 
been set on a rock
and I have a firm foundation on which to stand,
this puts a song in my heart and I praise the Lord.
It's obvious in the last two lines of this Psalm
that the praise will radiate from my life and my mouth
because other people will see and fear the Lord
and put their trust in Him.

This sentiment is echoed in the Sermon on the Mount
where Jesus tells us to let our lights shine before men
'that they may see your good works and glorify
your Father which is in heaven'.

The purpose of people noticing the change in me?
SO that they may be reminded of Who is calling them
to repentance and a new life.

Nothing new here. But fresh thots that blessed my heart deeply.
Let us go forth in full and glad surrender,
loving the Lord and knowing Him.
We have a God who yearns to have us follow him fully,
and who has commissioned us to be witnesses that
Jesus lives!

I Can Trust Jesus...

This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...