Monday, March 31, 2014

The God of the Bible...I

"The God of the Bible
is sovreign...
He knows every hair on your head,
every blade of grass,
every sparrow that flies,
and every autumn leaf that falls.

The God of the Bible
He is never caught off guard
or surprised.

The God of the Bible
knows the end from
the beginning.
He knew all of our days
before we were even

Voddie Bauchum
"Family Driven Faith"

Saturday, March 29, 2014

In Psalms and Hymns...

I recently heard this song for the first time,
and it filled my heart with gratitude
to the great God of wonders,
whose creation sings His praises!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fear God...

My daughter gave me a set of very sharp knives for Christmas. They are the sharpest knives I have ever seen. Cutting through soft bread is a piece of cake. They are amazing, easily slicing through chicken, turkey, fingers, and probably an arm and a leg. That's why I treat them with the utmost reverence. I even handle them with a sense of fear. If I lose that fear I'm in trouble, because I have become a fool.

People often send me their testimony of how they came to Christ. One memorable one came with a stack of pictures. He was on a roof, touched something electrical he shouldn't have, and both of his arms literally cooked before his eyes. The pictures were horrific. So although electricity is wonderful, in providing me with so many incredible appliances, I fear it. If I ever come to a point where I lose that fear, I've become a fool.

God is wonderful. He gave me my life, granted me everlasting life, created my beautiful wife, made my beloved family, my cool dog, my egg-laying chickens, my faithful friends, the air that I breath and the warmth of the sun.

Now listen to what Jesus said about Him: "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28-29). If I ever stop fearing God, I will have become a fool in the highest degree.
~Ray Comfort
I really enjoy 'parables'.
And appreciate Ray Comfort's ability to
tell stories that have an eternal lesson.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Acquainted with Grief...

Grief. It is a strange thing indeed. I have never lost in death an aunt, uncle, cousin or parent. Three of my four grandparents are still living.

But I have known loss in ways that cut down deep in the soul. I have known the loss and confusion of broken relationships, neglected relationships, relationships destroyed by greed, hatred, selfish pride, and misunderstanding/difference of vision which touched one's identity not in Christ and splintered things to pieces. I have known other grief-causing things as well, although never grief that has meant my having to stand at the grave of a person close to me.

And in the months and  years that have made up my life, I have grieved, and I have pondered this strange emotion that sometimes makes no sense at all.

And then recently, a friend who has had to bury  her much-wanted, much-looked-forward-to baby girl, shared some things in a blog post about grief and it's strange comings and goings and its heart-searching questions of why am I still 'struggling' with this or 'am I not surrendered?' thoughts.

As I pondered that, it hit me:

was a
Man of sorrows,
with grief...

He fully knew the sting of rejection by friends and family, the heart ache of watching  people being torn apart and confused by the worship of religion versus the one, true God. He knew the loneliness of being misunderstood and falsely accused. Jesus knew what it feels like to be passionately in tune with God and yet have many around Him blindly reject that God or 'not get it' why He would choose to pray instead of fritter away the hours in partying. Jesus knew grief in levels we will never know. He went all the way to a cruel, cruel death at the hands of the very ones He came to free from their bondage. He was sentenced to death based on terrible lies by those people to whom He had ministered on a regular basis for 3 years, and who knew Him well from the carpenter shop and synagogue and community for 33 years. He knew the grief of being completely rejected by those who claimed to be His disciples but who were too cowardly to own up to it and either loudly denied Him or slunk into the shadows unnoticed by His enemies.

Not once do read of Jesus reacting rudely or selfishly to these hurts. Not once do we read of Him pouring out His woes to people. Not once do we read of Him neglecting to bless and encourage people because of His grief.

I stagger through my grief at times. I sometimes don't say things I should say and unfortunately, the reverse is also true. I sometimes don't help someone I should or I don't encourage because I am almost consumed by a grief that threatens to tear my soul to pieces and throw me to the wolves of discouragement for good. Much of this is internalized and not really projected onto people, but I humbly admit here that I am not completely perfect in my working through grief. 

In  pondering grief, I realize several things and I am greatly inspired to move forward in the Way of the Cross that leads Home:

~ Jesus was acquainted with grief. Since He was a tempted in all points such as we are and without sin, then it is very possible for me to walk in His footsteps, with His Life pulsing through me, and get it right.

~ I am convinced that His secret to serenity was the hours He spent alone with His Father. Wouldn't you like to know what all went on on the mountaintop at night while He wrestled with grief and sorrow in the presence of God as the rest of the world slept? I am fairly certain that this is how He could manage to live His days serenely, caring for the poor and the sick, teaching for hours to the crowds who pressed in around Him. I am pretty sure that this is what gave Him the calmness He needed and also the fire He had to rebuke the Pharisees and to call them on the carpet for their hypocrisy...and yet be kind and without sin.

~ Grief is a natural human emotion. Just like anger, joy, peace, and fear...they all are God-given and meant to be productively used in our lives. Unfortunately, they have been perverted by the enemy. There are those who say that grieving  is purely selfish and should be stomped down immediately. Others say that grief is natural and any expression of it should be allowed. I believe that grief is natural and normal and even a good way to cleanse the heart during sorrowful times of our lives. A person who names the name of Christ is not some alien who is not allowed to cry, feel sorrow or even struggle through grief. I think that being 'real' and allowing grief to be felt in the heart is good, and that as His child, He wants to hear from me, and know the thoughts of my heart.

~As a child of God, being changed by Jesus, I bring my grief to Him and with a heart surrendered to Him, I rest in His care. It is not mine to be angry, sinful and bitter. It is not mine to insist that my way be lived or understood by others. Even if what I present is godly and righteous and is kicked around, mocked, or scoffed at, it is not mine to sinfully react. Grieve at His feet in the quiet of the night? Yes. I will follow Jesus all the way.

Grief. It is part of life on earth. There are children whose parents died 'before their time'. There are orphans whose parents are still living. There are religious oppressors. There are false teachers leading away captive silly women. There are children growing up and rejecting parents. There are accidents leaving newly wed husbands without legs. There are uncles who passionately serve God and work tirelessly in His kingdom who suffer and die of horrible cancer. There are Grandmas who are widowed young and then have to see their adult child suffer of disease. There are churches split apart because of hypocrisy and focus on religion. There are churches losing out because they choose to let the world guide them. There is just grief on every side.

BUT...Jesus is the Leader in all things. Even in grief. I have been encouraged as I have looked at this subject and pondered it. What a friend we have in Jesus, ALL our sins and griefs to bear.

Man of Sorrows
by Philip P. Bliss

I noticed when I went to put this video clip 
on here, that Philip P Bliss wrote this song.
Do you know his story?

Just in case you never heard his story,

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Keep at It...

During a time recently when the enemy was attempting 
to drag me into discouragement, 
I read Col. 4:2 (Living):

"Don't be weary in prayer;
keep at it;
watch for God's answers
and remember to be
when they come."

I just sat there, upon reading those words,
a bit stunned and newly amazed...

I love how God does that...
taking His ancient words,
preserved through dangers, toils and snares,
thro generations of time,
and makes it fresh and new to me,
filling the exact need of the hour!

I was so excited about those simple words
that I decided to delve further into the
subject of prayer in the New Testament.

Here is what I came up with, 
in the short time I studied that morning:

~Prayer must be valuable. Jesus encouraged it
on more than one occasion. He told His disciples
to fast and pray to remove mountains
and to cast out demons. I think He was always
ready for whatever the day held
because He regularly fasted and prayed.
Could this be the secret to acting on
 Paul's admonition to be instant
in season and out of season?

~Prayer was a daily part of the early church.
I think that their praying in one accord was
a secret weapon they had to being of the
same mind and of one Way.

~The apostles gave themselves continually
to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word.
Not much room for heading the wrong way
if we are that committed, aye?!

~Paul admonishes us to continue
instant in prayer. This means
devoted to prayer; not to faint in prayer;
to persevere and to be in constant readiness
to pray.
SO...this means I need to be on my toes
and not let my old flesh rise up and live,
crowding out my ability to be ready to pray 

~We are told to pray ALWAYS,
with supplication
(bringing needs to God; specific requests)
for all saints.
This doesn't leave much room for me
to let petty annoyances stand between me
and my care of my fellow believers.

We are repeatedly told to 
let our requests be given
with thanksgiving.
Thanks to God shows
our trust in Him to work
things out as He will.

~Prayer and careful living
go together.
I cannot expect to be
all comfortable in selfish living
while expecting to have long
heart-to-heart conversations
with God and have them
be effective. 

I was really blessed to do this little study
on prayer.

Prayer is truly an important part of
walking with Jesus.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Family Vision...

“Discipling our children is not about teaching them
 to behave in a way that won’t embarrass us. 
We’re working toward something 
much more important than that. 
We’re actually raising our children 
with a view toward leading them 
to trust and to follow Christ.” 

Voddie Bauchum
"Family Shepherds"  

Friday, March 21, 2014

Love One Another...

Recently I was impressed with this thought again,
when a friend asked me just what the purpose
of the Church is, and why there seems to be
so much chaos and confusion surrounding
the Body of Christ.

I thought of Jesus' oft repeated words,
echoed in the letters His disciples wrote
and are recorded in the epistles:

"The world will know you are my
disciples when you love each other."

And I thought of all the hurt and confusion
I have personally known at the hand of
people who profess to know Him,
and I realized that LOVE is often
not understood and therefore not given.

I pondered further...

requires me to graciously let 
others have opinions and beliefs,
even if they contradict with the Word.
If I have warned, and admonished in love,
then I am free to let others choose as they will.

doesn't mean I can necessarily
have bosom buddy fellowship with another
if they persist in their foolish choices that
do not line up with the Gospel,
but LOVE does mean that I get to
bless them in ways that I can.

I think that God can work when
 is present.
Love extends grace to all,
and speaks the truth simply,
kindly, but with conviction from the Holy Spirit.

means that I lay down my life
for my brothers and sisters.
It means that I extend the hand of
kindness to lift up someone who has fallen.
I don't need to scold them.
The Holy Spirit is capable of convicting them,
and my job is to reach out and lift them up.
(of course, they have to want to get up
in order for positive results to happen).

does not speak ill of others
I marvel often at how Jesus 
went through
His days and taught, blessed 
and healed people
but He never spoke ill of them.
You don't hear Him scorning Nicodemus
to His disciples because he cared so much about
his reputation and his standing 
with 'his church'
that he stole thro the shadows
one night to meet with Jesus...
nor do we hear of Jesus speaking ill of
Judas who betrayed Him,
or of Peter who denied Him.
We don't hear of Him rolling His eyes
and muttering to the disciples that
yet another crowd of simpletons
came to hear Him, and they didn't even
think far enough to bring food with them!
I am challenged as I ponder this.

Oh to be like Jesus!
To have His likeness stamped deeply
where satan's has been in my life!

"Let us love one another,
for love is of God."

Truly this is the learning experience
of a lifetime!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

In acceptance lieth peace,

O my heart be still;
Let thy restless worries cease
And accept His will.
Though this test be not thy choice,
It is His—
therefore rejoice.

In His plan there cannot be

Aught to make
 thee sad:
If this is His choice for thee,
Take it and be glad.

Make from it some lovely thing
To the glory of
 thy King.

Cease from sighs and murmuring,

Sing His loving grace,

This thing means thy furthering
To a wealthy place.
From thy fears He’ll give release,
In acceptance lieth peace.

—Hannah Hurnard

When I was a young woman,
I went through some very 
troubling days...
I had this poem taped to a
mirror in my bedroom,
and it often brought me
even though I had not
yet acknowledged Jesus
as my Lord.

I believe God used that poem
to rivet in my mind
that He is a loving Father
I could trust with 

And when at last I did come to Him
through Jesus,
He was there to grow those
seeds to full burst of bloom,
allowing me to trust Him

Memories came flooding back
when a friend recently shared
this poem with me.
I think He brought them
to remind me
WHO He is
and what He has already done.

What a Father!

Here's hoping you are all having a good day,
and that Christ is truly your life.

Love and blessings,

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Show them Jesus...

Spring Flowers

"As the 
 faces north, 
so the Christian always
to Jesus. 

 is to 
in the 

~found on
Ray Comfort's

I was encouraged.
And I ponder...
what in my life
has to go
in order for me
to show
Jesus more clearly
to others?

"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
That ye may be blameless and harmless, 
the sons of God, 
without rebuke, 
in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, 
among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
Holding forth the word of life; 
that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, 
that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain."

Phil. 2:13-17

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Like a Bird...

If a bird can cling
to a spray aswing
In a mad, May wind,
and sing and sing
as though he'd burst 
for joy...

Why cannot I
contend to lie
in His strong arms
beneath His sky,
by earth's annoy?


Monday, March 17, 2014

A Giveaway...

On Saturday, I promised a giveaway as a sort of celebration of this blog's 1 year anniversary. Thank you for your encouragement, and for stopping by here now and again. I appreciate each of you and consider it a privilege to call you my friends.

Recently, I noticed that a favorite author of mine, Becky McGurrin, has published a new book. I do not read many story books these days, it seems, but I really liked her previous books and have them both:

and now, her latest published work:

"Emma is a Hurst, and a very determined one. 
Epilepsy, death of loved ones, incarceration, cancer, 
the adjustments of a long single hood followed by marriage,
 God used all these things to shape Emma into a woman 
with a desire to yield completely to Him. 
Follow Emma through her fascinating journey 
as a Mennonite farm girl, factory seamstress, college student,
 public schoolteacher, wife, and widow. 
Be amazed at the wise and loving hand of God 
as He patiently guides, protects, and creates 
a Hurst with real strength,
 a daughter joyfully surrended 
to her heavenly Father"

I was so blessed as I read this book.
I was challenged and encouraged
to keep my will totally surrendered
to the Lord all my days.
My faith was increased
as again I realized that truly,
as God's child,
I am safe in His care...

I am giving away "Emma"
in 2 weeks, 
on March 31, 2014.
To enter the giveaway,
drop a comment at the end
of this post.
(I won't publish it if you specify
that you don't want it to be
Be sure to leave your name,
and I would love to 
read of your favorite Scripture,
or even telling what He is 
doing for/teaching you.

The winner will be randomly
chosen by my son who
will select your name
from a jar, 
the old fashioned way 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Reflections on a Year of Blogging...

Today marks a year since I opened this blog.
9,000 + page views have a sobering affect on me.
To know that my words are being read so often
is both humbling and challenging to me.
Oh, I so desire that only words that inspire
you to lift your heart to JESUS would be
found here on this blog.

As I look back 
over the year,
I praise my God for His protecting hand.
So many obstacles
 along the path
of the journey 
through this life.

The older I get, 
the more sobered 
becomes my outlook
 on life
as I see shipwrecks 
along the shores
of Time...
and as I see the 
rebellious ones,

the scoffers,
the mockers,
the sleeping ones,
the careless ones...
and my heart breaks.
I weep for the things done
in Jesus' name that have
nothing to do with Him at all.

But then, my heart leaps with joy
whenever God brings into my day
someone who LOVES Him
wholeheartedly and desires 
to know Him more fully.
I am blessed as I look back over
this year and find the sweet memories
tucked away in my heart...
memories of my my husband and children
choosing Him, discussions we have
had in our home that lifted my heart to heaven,
  inspiring emails,
notes from various sisters in the Lord
that lifted my weary hands,
texts at 'just the right time' 
that were a blessing to me.
I get discouraged.
I get weary.
I get lonely, too sometimes.

The biggest lesson of the year
for me has been:

In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr,
"I have dreamed a dream,"
in fact, I have dreamed 
many dreams...

The lesson of the year has been
to let GOD work out His purpose
in His own time,
in  His chosen way,
and be joyful...

So often throughout this past year
I have read from Scripture to
be thankful,
to praise the Lord,
and to pray with thanksgiving.

Like a photographer who sees
the world through different eyes
behind the camera lens,
I have learned to see the world
through more thankful eyes than ever before.
My journals hold many entries of
moments of goodness I may have missed
were I not willing to be thankful.

I have dreams...
unrealized dreams, godly dreams.
But I choose to let God work them out
as He wishes.
They are godly dreams and I am
willing to even admit that maybe
they will not be fully known 
until generations from now.

That thought has sobered me this past
year as well...
Am I willing to be at my post,
humble as it may seem,
behind the closed doors of my household,
praying for this generation,
and the generations that shall come after?

Am I willing to teach multiplication facts,
and spelling...
grammar and history...
to memorize Scripture,
and sing theme songs filled with
deep thoughts of Christ
and call that a worthwhile life to live?
Can I see even in small glimpses
that my life will affect generations
and that I seriously need to
choose today to live accordingly?

Or am I going to be so prideful 
that I insist on seeing just what my life
is amounting to right now, that I get
discouraged because I don't see
the results I am looking for currently?

Will I choose humility and contentment
in being the servant of Christ
in whatever capacity He calls me to?

I live with deep perplexities.
We all do.
I wonder at times just where things will 
end up or how they will turn out.
Am I willing to believe that God 
will truly work out all things for my good
because I love Him and because I 
walk in His Spirit and not in my flesh?

I so desire that these will be my
constant choices of living.

For Christ.
Because of Christ.
By Christ.
Only and always about HIM!

So, here's to another year
of blogging as God tarries.

Love and blessings to all,

On another note:
in light of it being a year since
this blog has opened,
and in gratitude to 9,000 +
views on this humble little blog,
I decided to host a give away.

I've not done this before but
I'm going to give it a try.

Look for details of the give away 
on Monday, Lord willing.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

On a recent 'unplugged from the internet' day, I picked up a book I had begun reading awhile ago and was so very blessed to continue on in it!

by Voddie Baucham Jr

is an inspiring encouragement to live
the Biblical design God created
for families.

I highly recommend that you read this book,
if you are interested in being
and encouraged
to clearly understand
and choose what to do with
the design God has for
His people in family life.

I am blessed that God has used
preachers of righteousness
to teach and inspire us
in this important subject.
I was very challenged as I read.

I want multi-generational faithfulness
in my family...
I choose to honor the Lord
by putting in the time,
tears, and work required
to serve Him in the post
where He has called me.

give us Christian homes!

I was also very amused that every time I went
to pick up my book to read,
it seemed my oldest daughter had her
nose buried in it,
and has even now completed
 it ahead of me!

Bless the Lord, oh my soul,
and all that is with in me,
bless His holy name!

We have had some discussion over it,
which has also greatly blessed my heart.

My heart's desire is that
young people rise up and
learn at Jesus' feet
the ways of God...
so that generations will be
blessed with faithfulness
and honor.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Preaching of the Cross...

A sermon I heard recently that blessed me and encouraged me in pondering on the simple plan of God for His people, the Body of Christ.

by Zac Poonen

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Morning Ponderings...

Yesterday my husband, newly turned 40, shared a sermon titled,

Ponder the Path of Your Feet.

He told us to ponder from Proverbs 4:20-27:

1. That there is a path we each will journey on
2. We get to choose the path we journey on
3. Each of our two path options has a destination
4. We have been given all the tools we need for life and godliness so we will be without excuse if we get to the destination and it is not life for all of eternity.

He also encouraged us to lay aside every weight that easily besets us. Sometimes even good things can weigh us down and distract us from running the race wholly. It can be things like:

1. technology
2. food
3. friends

If any of these things are bigger to us than just a help/encouragement in our race for eternal life, then we need to lay them aside to where they take second place to God.

I had to do this with food. For years, I lived with addictions to certain foods and it was hindering my life and creating poor health. God increased my knowledge on these things and I had to choose to lay aside these things because they were making me sick and were not helping me to productively fulfill the task His wisdom assigned me.

I also have recently implemented an 'unplugged' day where I go off the internet for a full 24 hours. Amazing moments of reading and being encouraged in quiet time with God are happening and I LOVE IT! I feel that technology has its place, but sometimes it can creep up on a person and be a distraction to pull them into passivity and even cause them to miss what they might not have if they were not distracted. I had alot of time to journal and ponder and pray, to read and also do little household projects on my unplugged day and I loved it.

Friends are a good thing and have meant the world to me, but they also have been used as distractions for me too. God has had to, on more than one occasion, pull the prop of friends out from under me so that I rely totally on Him for help and strength to live the life He called me to live. Don't get me wrong: I love my friends still, but I love God more!

The sermon was finished with the testimony that he wants to finish well, and that he hopes that is the goal of us all. In order to finish well, we need to follow the Master wholly. We have to be intensely interested in His Way of things and imitate Him.

Overcomers are promised a place in the Kingdom of Life eternally. It behooves us then, to overcome because, by the power of Jesus, overcoming is certainly possible! Sure not easy, and we need to constantly be on guard because there are many obstacles:

1. our selfish nature
2. wolves hiding in sheep's clothing INSIDE the churches
3. plenty

I was encouraged as I sat and listened to this man I love deeply (currently the oldest person in our church) sharing his reflections on turning 40. I was blessed to reflect on where God has brought us and a hope rose in my heart that He will continue the work He already began in us and will complete it...

When the son of Man comes back to the earth, shall He find faith here? I so desire that it will be so!

Happy Monday to you all.

(we sang this song after the sermon yesterday,
and my heart was so encouraged)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

In Psalms and Hymns...

I've been asked to share some thoughts to ponder in a few weeks at a women's meeting. This song keeps coming back to me over and over again and I think I'm going to share on "Putting Jesus First in Your Life". It is a subject very close to my heart and I am looking forward to seeing what God has for me
 to share with my friends.

(sorry, I couldn't get 
the video to load; 
click the song
title to hear
the song)

Putting Jesus first sure brings a freedom
like no other!
Putting Jesus first becomes a
new nature that if cultivated
and chosen in His power,
and with a deep reverence
and love for Him,
starves the flesh and
renders it powerless.

Hallelujah for the blood!
Hallelujah for freedom!
Hallelujah for power in His name!

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Servant...


It ill
the servant
to seek to
be rich,
and great,
in that
where his 
was poor,
and mean, 
and despised.
George Mueller

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

Thanks be to God...

*that there are still mothers
 who want their children
and are committed to 
their lowly post of

*that there are still fathers 
who choose simple faith
 in the son of God and lead their families accordingly

*that there are Bible schools 
for youth to attend

*that there are still young people 
willing to KNOW Jesus Christ

*that though they seem few and far between,
 there are still godly grandparents
 pouring into their grandchildren's lives

*that there are people willing to
 reach out to the fatherless and 
the widows in their distress

*that there are faithful daughters
 willing to serve 
in their God-given design

*that the sun rises and sets in perfect order every day

*that the beautiful moon and stars hang in space, 
silent witnesses that 
God's in His heaven and
 has my times in His hands

*for the testimony of the righteous that comes 
at unexpected times 
in unexpected places
 to encourage us on our weary way

*that there are still people of the living God, 
who come from every tongue
and nation and people, 
 willing to radically serve Jesus Christ,
 the Lord

*that there are those who lift up
 the hands that hang down and
strengthen the feeble knees

*that the gifts of the Spirit are 
alive and well even today,
in the midst of perversion and 
crumbling churches

*that there is a remnant of God's people,
 even in this generation
with its grossly blatant sin, great confusion 
and falling away from 
the Truth

*that in the midst of loss and grief,
 God speaks and gives direction,
moment by moment.

*that we are given good food 
and a design how to eat to nourish our
bodies and not abuse them

*that the promise of spring still stands 
at the end of this long, cold winter,
as long as the earth remains

I have struggled the past few months with 
a darkness and weariness of soul 
as problems of living abound.
 I am so blessed that there is God...

I wrote in my journal this morning:

"I choose to trust Him, 
no matter what.
 Even though grief is huge and
 I wonder what will happen, 
I choose to trust Him. 
God is good...always. 
I choose praise. 
I choose obedience.
 I choose honor and simple faith, 
though all around my soul gives way. 
I choose to love. 
I choose to care. 
I choose to serve
 and give til it hurts and beyond. 
I choose joy.
 I choose to release wrong doers 
and forgive them.

I choose God."

Lift up your hands with me and sing
for all you are worth, if even in
your soul...

He is God. He is all 
goodness and wisdom.

What more do I need?

Love and blessing to all,

I Can Trust Jesus...

This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...