Saturday, March 8, 2014

In Psalms and Hymns...

I've been asked to share some thoughts to ponder in a few weeks at a women's meeting. This song keeps coming back to me over and over again and I think I'm going to share on "Putting Jesus First in Your Life". It is a subject very close to my heart and I am looking forward to seeing what God has for me
 to share with my friends.

(sorry, I couldn't get 
the video to load; 
click the song
title to hear
the song)

Putting Jesus first sure brings a freedom
like no other!
Putting Jesus first becomes a
new nature that if cultivated
and chosen in His power,
and with a deep reverence
and love for Him,
starves the flesh and
renders it powerless.

Hallelujah for the blood!
Hallelujah for freedom!
Hallelujah for power in His name!

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I Can Trust Jesus...

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