Saturday, March 15, 2014

Reflections on a Year of Blogging...

Today marks a year since I opened this blog.
9,000 + page views have a sobering affect on me.
To know that my words are being read so often
is both humbling and challenging to me.
Oh, I so desire that only words that inspire
you to lift your heart to JESUS would be
found here on this blog.

As I look back 
over the year,
I praise my God for His protecting hand.
So many obstacles
 along the path
of the journey 
through this life.

The older I get, 
the more sobered 
becomes my outlook
 on life
as I see shipwrecks 
along the shores
of Time...
and as I see the 
rebellious ones,

the scoffers,
the mockers,
the sleeping ones,
the careless ones...
and my heart breaks.
I weep for the things done
in Jesus' name that have
nothing to do with Him at all.

But then, my heart leaps with joy
whenever God brings into my day
someone who LOVES Him
wholeheartedly and desires 
to know Him more fully.
I am blessed as I look back over
this year and find the sweet memories
tucked away in my heart...
memories of my my husband and children
choosing Him, discussions we have
had in our home that lifted my heart to heaven,
  inspiring emails,
notes from various sisters in the Lord
that lifted my weary hands,
texts at 'just the right time' 
that were a blessing to me.
I get discouraged.
I get weary.
I get lonely, too sometimes.

The biggest lesson of the year
for me has been:

In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr,
"I have dreamed a dream,"
in fact, I have dreamed 
many dreams...

The lesson of the year has been
to let GOD work out His purpose
in His own time,
in  His chosen way,
and be joyful...

So often throughout this past year
I have read from Scripture to
be thankful,
to praise the Lord,
and to pray with thanksgiving.

Like a photographer who sees
the world through different eyes
behind the camera lens,
I have learned to see the world
through more thankful eyes than ever before.
My journals hold many entries of
moments of goodness I may have missed
were I not willing to be thankful.

I have dreams...
unrealized dreams, godly dreams.
But I choose to let God work them out
as He wishes.
They are godly dreams and I am
willing to even admit that maybe
they will not be fully known 
until generations from now.

That thought has sobered me this past
year as well...
Am I willing to be at my post,
humble as it may seem,
behind the closed doors of my household,
praying for this generation,
and the generations that shall come after?

Am I willing to teach multiplication facts,
and spelling...
grammar and history...
to memorize Scripture,
and sing theme songs filled with
deep thoughts of Christ
and call that a worthwhile life to live?
Can I see even in small glimpses
that my life will affect generations
and that I seriously need to
choose today to live accordingly?

Or am I going to be so prideful 
that I insist on seeing just what my life
is amounting to right now, that I get
discouraged because I don't see
the results I am looking for currently?

Will I choose humility and contentment
in being the servant of Christ
in whatever capacity He calls me to?

I live with deep perplexities.
We all do.
I wonder at times just where things will 
end up or how they will turn out.
Am I willing to believe that God 
will truly work out all things for my good
because I love Him and because I 
walk in His Spirit and not in my flesh?

I so desire that these will be my
constant choices of living.

For Christ.
Because of Christ.
By Christ.
Only and always about HIM!

So, here's to another year
of blogging as God tarries.

Love and blessings to all,

On another note:
in light of it being a year since
this blog has opened,
and in gratitude to 9,000 +
views on this humble little blog,
I decided to host a give away.

I've not done this before but
I'm going to give it a try.

Look for details of the give away 
on Monday, Lord willing.

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