Monday, April 6, 2015

The Opposite of Gossip...

Yes, I know I just wrote about gossip last week. But I want to share with you the opposite of gossip.

What would happen, my friends, if we blessed someone for the good they do instead of standing around speculating and gossiping about the wrongs they have done/are doing/refuse to acknowledge?

What would happen to us, 
do you think?

What happens, is that kind of action allows the Holy Spirit to put compassion in our hearts for someone who may be 'way out of line. It gives us opportunity to walk in grace with those who are blind to the needs they  have in their life, or are too scared to let anyone in to help them to deal with their needs properly.

Will you pray?
Will you let God write compassion on your heart for those in your world who are annoying, or who have wronged you, or have wronged others? Will you be one who lives an extraordinary life by choosing Jesus' way instead of the way of the flesh?

I am still growing in this, 
but I can personally vouch for the
things I wrote above.
He DOES write compassion on our hearts
when we choose to pray 
instead of gossiping or trying
 to figure out
how to make someone change
for the better.

Sure, we may need to talk with 
someone else involved from time to time,
but I wonder what would happen
if the church/believers
prayed more
and gossiped/speculated less.

I wonder what miracles we would see,
what opportunities we would have
to entreat with kindness those who
are wrong/need help...

God bless you today.
Love and blessings,

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