Friday, March 15, 2013

To New Beginnings...

I have had such a time trying to decide if I am blogging, writing books, or just not writing at all. I took a siesta (albeit a shorter one than I had planned!), and prayerfully considered whether to write for publishing books, or blogging, or simply quitting the writing thing altogether. It is very clear to me that I cannot stop writing...I love to bless women with encouragement, warning, inspiration in writing and the Lord is nudging me to continue this journey.

The push to finish any of the 3 books I currently have in the rough draft stages is simply not here. I am letting them simmer on the back burner while I wait on the Lord to move me to bring that project to a ripened stage. I have a feeling I am to let them lay as I work on the biggest assignment I am given: mothering my three awesome blessings from heaven.

Until then, I will use this blog to write...with a strong desire to lift our hearts to God. I will also use this blog to post things that inspire me from other writers, and from the lives of those who lift my eyes to Jesus.

What I blog, and how often I post are surrendered to the Lord. I do not claim to always be right nor am I trying to self-promote. My goal is simply to bless and honor the Lord by blessing my fellow sisters in Jesus. If I trample on your toes, or if I disappoint you in some other way by anything that I post, I humbly ask that you take these things to the Father. If it is not something that you can use, then just keep walking forward with Him. I am not the Holy Spirit. I simply write from my own experience, study and the teaching I have been privileged to receive from those men and women of God who have the courage to speak boldly of Him, living their lives as purposeful witnesses that Jesus lives.

God bless you, dear readers. It is with a trembling hand that I begin again to write and to relate. Pray for me. It is not always easy to write the things that God lays on my heart to write. But I desire to follow Him and to use the gift that is stirred in me by His Holy Spirit.

If you wish to be in contact, leave me a comment. All comments are screened before publishing so you will not automatically be blasting your email address for the world to see if you choose to leave it in a comment.

Because He lives, my past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure.


  1. Hi my dear friend, Marcia!! I for one am and have always been inspired and blessed by your writing. You certainly have a gift for it. But, wait on God, He will direct your ways. Wait. on. Him.
    All my love and friendship,
    Mary Grice

  2. Dear friend Mary,
    Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, waiting on God is certainly the best thing to do in any project and desire, is it not?!
    My heart is deeply thankful when you and yours come to mind. Heaven will reveal what has been accomplished in our family by our brief but rich encounters with your family.
    God bless you and reward you greatly,


I always enjoy hearing from my readers. Feel free to leave a Christ-honoring comment.

I Can Trust Jesus...

This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...