Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

I'm taking a break from canning ketchup to breathe and write this post! Whew! Almost didn't get this one in for today, but that would have been ok, too. We are busy preserving the harvest and I am feeling blessed because I know what is in those jars, where the food came from, how it was raised, and had a very supportive family helping me. Even though I had to do tomatoes the past 2 days in 90 some degree weather, and one of the days it seemed many things were pressing in on me to do, I was given grace to see the project through. wage a war on the spiders and dust that has quietly been collecting the past 6 weeks while we were busy gathering the harvest...

Here is a song I thought of as I pondered praise the other day. It is one we sang in school many moons ago, and I wish I could have found the music for it online to put on this post, but I didn't find anything. So here are the words...

What do the flowers that bloom by the way
Seem in their beauty each moment to say?
If you will listen, you'll hear it each day:
"Thank You, thank You, thank You"
Thankful for sunshine
and thankful for rain
Bringing the flowers
and harvests of grain;
Over and over
and over again,
Thank You Thank You Thank You.
What do the birdies as gayly they sing
Say to the giver of every good thing?
These are the words that to Him they would bring:
"Thank You Thank You Thank You".
What do the little folk sing in their play?
What do they say for the gift on life's way?
What are the sweetest words I hear them say?
"Thank You Thank You Thank You".
Thankful for sunshine
and thankful for rain
Bringing the flowers
and harvests of grain
Over and over and over again,
Thank You Thank You Thank You.
-William C. Poole

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I Can Trust Jesus...

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