Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thanksgiving on Thursday...(a little early)

Thank you God...

Thank you, God,
that I live in the beautiful Finger Lakes of New York,
where the climate is temperate and grows beautiful bumper crops almost every year!

Thank you, God, that I am well and strong and can preserve organic harvest
for a fraction of the cost it would be, were I to buy it in the store.
Thank you, God that my mother taught me to be
disciplined (though it took me many years to apply my heart unto wisdom in this case!)
and efficient and to keep my home as you designed me to.

Thank you for the many hands that make the work lighter on annual family corn day.
And thank you for the 280 quarts we preserved that day.

Thank You for my Farmer man who planted the corn in his organic fields
and cultivated it, enjoying his summer solace under sunny (and often cloudy!) skies...
 This food will be a delight in taco soup, succotash, and black bean burgers...
and we shall not 'be afraid of the snow'...


Thank you for tomatoes, scarlet fruit of my garden (and my mother-in-law's)
that will make splendid tomato juice and ketchup.

Thank you for my Vitamix, that makes swift work of tomato days!
And thank You especially for it on the day I did 83 quarts of tomato juice
and it was our family's turn to host Bible study at our house.
Thank You for the willingness of my children to help me
and that the son went with the Farmer that day to mow what is likely the
last hay he will get to help with this year, giving me extra time
(off of school!) to get tomatoes done.
Truly You know when
enough is enough.
And thank You that you sent cool weather that day,
and I could actually can in my kitchen with
a sweater on!

Thank You for my family, willing servants in filling the place
of service to their family that you have designed just for them.
Thank you for the quiet, studious one,
and the corny, adventure-loving one
(you decide which is which!)
and for the farmer boy with all  his zest for life.

And thank you for flowers, that sparkle in the crisp autumn coolness
under the cloudy skies (my favorite kind of day).


As I didn't find time to post a praise post last week on Thursday,
(now you know why!)
I decided to do two of them this week
because I had two and couldn't decide which one
to save for next week!
So until "Thanksgiving on Thursday" tomorrow,
may we be encouraged and choose to praise Him
with our whole heart!

No matter what.
Because He is worthy of all glory, and honor and praise.
Even from our feeble, faltering tongues.

The meek shall eat and be satisfied:
they shall praise the LORD that seek him:
 your heart shall live for ever."
(Psalm 22:26)

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