Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

Sometimes  you think the things you do 
count not at all...
You go along and play your song on
 faulty strings,
While other people do great deeds and
 shun the small,
Release your fears, 
God sees and hears 
the little things.

You wear a smile,
 extend your hand
Speak words to 
show you understand,
And thus you tell
 the world that 
hope eternal springs,
No greater deeds can e'er be done here in this land,
And all the while the Savior smiles 
on little things.

The rivers, 
deep and wide,
 from shore to shore,

Tho now they dart, they got their start from gentle springs;
So is it true, and it must be forevermore,
The souls that grow in Spirit know the little things.

A man once climbed a wayside tree, the story goes;
It wasn't much, but it did touch the King of kings,
And as you climb to greater heights the Savior knows,
You'll find your place and grow in grace with little things...

This song has been a real blessing in my life for many years.
Today I find myself being really grateful for 
oh, so many little things that have been 
a real blessing to me recently...

a birthday filled with so many well wishers
and little but special moments
that it ended up being one of the best birthday
celebrations I have ever experienced!well 

a family visit the night before
to our little
frozen yogurt shop,
a letter from my daughter
(a huge blessing for this mama who 
struggled with motherhood and in early days,
the fear that my children would not
be close to me)

a special lunch at my favorite 
with a very special young lady
(thank you, Kristina)
so many well-wishers 
took time from their
busy days
to acknowledge life
and wish blessing upon me

a beautiful card from my husband
(and an all fridge to store my 
wonderful supply of fruit and veggies)
His prayer of thanks and blessing
 over me at supper
was like icing on cake!

Other little things as well...
a daughter who put the
smoothie fixings away this morning
on  her own even tho it wasn't 
her turn to do the dishes...
a visit with a new friend
where we shared much on
the things of eternal value
a bouquet of flowers
delivered to my door
from a friend from afar
'just because'
hubby who left the space heater
on in the bathroom one nite
when I was later coming 
to bed than he was...
(this old house is hard to heat!)
new paint on the bathroom walls,
thanks to husband and children's
a clean and organized home
thanks to my wonderful
and my daughters who
all work very  hard to
help me keep our home.
a tent house with the boy 
the other day,
in which he went out of his way
to be a gentleman and
prepare a comfy seat
for me to sit...
complete with my Bible, journal and pens
which I usually use during school with him.
What a man!

Jar of Hearts

Little things...
I know that I shared about little things
the other day,
but little things are just on my mind right now,
so I hope you bear with me here!
(I am OLD now, or so I have been told!)

How special a little thing can be.
Go forth and do great things,
with little things...

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