Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lessons from a Bandaid...

...what a bandaid taught me about the gifts of the Spirit...

Recently one of my children met an unfortunate
encounter with a chipped cup rim to her forehead,
the results of which made this mama
slightly but momentarily queasy!

The wound needed to be taped together 
with two bandaids, but by the next day,
it was looking quite well on its way to healing,
praise God!

As my husband is the Mr. Steady man around
our house, he was elected to be the one
to take the band aids from her face, which
he did quite gently.

Later I as i thought about that,
 it came to me...

There are different jobs in the Body of Christ.
Some are elected to pull bandaids from wounds.
Still others are called to show care and concern
in other ways
for the wounded one.
This all may or may not be done by the same person.
Sometimes it is.
At other times, the one who removes the bandaid
may  not be called to be thoroughly involved in 
other parts of the healing process.

Sometimes the bandaid remover
 is looked
upon as a monster,
 mean and ugly...
because we mortal beings
 tend to shrink from pain
in every way, shape or form!

in my humble opinion,
it would be better if we embrace the 
bandage removal crew as 
whole heartedly
as we embrace the 
salve 'smearing' crew...

It's our fleshly tendency 
to do the opposite.

I found it interesting
what God taught me through a bandaid.

We need each other.
The prophets and evangelists need
the shepherds and the encouragers.

The shepherds and the encouragers
need the prophets and evangelists.

And ideally, each one should appreciate
the gifts found in their brothers and sisters.
Instead of viewing 'bandaid removers'
or salve appliers in a bad light,
why not appreciate the gift that is
found in another?

in order for this to truly 
work God's way,
we have to mind the same Spirit
so all can 'get our story straight'
and truly be that Body
'fitly joined together'
in Christ.

I'm working on it...

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit."

1 Cor. 12:4

A few days after I wrote this and filed it for posting later,
I read this in 1 Thes. 5:

"Do not quench the Holy Spirit;
Do not spurn the gifts and utterances
of the prophets
(do not depreciate prophetic revelations
nor despise inspired instruction or
exhortation or warning).
But test and prove all things
(until you can recognize)
what is good;
(to that) hold fast."

God has spoken.
It is up to us to hear.
And to hear again.
And again.

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I Can Trust Jesus...

This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...