Friday, April 25, 2014

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

I saw this video clip today, and I sure had a
'revelation' on life as I watched it and laughed over it
with my children, niece and nephew.

It reminded me of Proverbs 11:4
"Where no counsel is, the people fall;
but in the multitude of counsellors
there is safety."

I just had to think of all the people
who have counselled me in my
short little lifetime...

Yes, it's true. Not all the counsel we are given
is of God or useable,
BUT... I wonder what would have happened
to me had I not been willing to be taught.

From a small girl in my father's house,
my mother taught me all she knew about 
keeping house well.
I regret the many days that my pride
hindered me from learning and having 
a willingness to understand what she
was teaching me.

Today I am so thankful that I was taught
how to keep a tidy home,
make home cooked meals,
grow my own food,
and practice hospitality.

I think of my father, who had (and still has)
a passion for Christian Day schools,
with Bible-based curriculum so that I would
have a God-centered education.

I was thinking how proud and self-sufficient we have become
in this generation...throwing off the restrictions of
many rules and traditions.

Granted, some rules and traditions are seriously out of whack
when honestly looking at the Word of God,
but I we really value the people of God
like He intends that He should?

I am so very blessed by the godly counselors I have 
been given over the years. I have not always heard
easy-on-the-flesh things, but I so very thankful for
my godly husband and women of God who were sent
to me to teach me and warn me and encourage me in
the strait and narrow way.

Independent pride gets us into trouble...
We'll surely be eaten by the whale, the sea gull or
the anteater if we refuse to counsel with God's people
when He provides them for us.

I am thankful for the multitude of counselors,
and my heart is broken into many pieces
over those who have perverted this precious gift
that God has given,
whether by giving faulty worldly counsel 
mixed with other religions and voices,
or by idolizing power and religion
(I have seen both and want none of it!).
Neither one represents the true Christ
in His simplicity and splendor.

Let us value the truly godly counsellors
we have been given.
We can be sure that traveling in groups
with God's people is a safe and
advisable thing to do...

It takes humility always,
and grace,
but there is peace and blessing
in that kind of living.

If any of you readers are one of the
'counsellors' God brought to me 
over the years,
I give a shout out to you
from the bottom of my heart
for sharing your heart and
God's heart with me.

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