Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Doing the Impossible...

Saw this today:

"Christians are not supposed to be doing what is possible. 
We're supposed to be doing what is impossible and outrageous!
 To accomplish our calling, we must put our hand in the hand of God,
 learning to be completely dependent on the Holy Spirit for everything."
Graham Cooke

and my heart leaped with inspiration.

I confess that the flesh sees little possibility of doing impossible things.
I confess that it is HARD work at times because
 faith sometimes needs to increase as the calling increases.


"I love by faith to take a view
Of brighter scenes in heaven,
The prospect doth my strength renew,
While here by tempests driven."

Let's put our hands in the hand of God and 
find the power and strength to work til Jesus comes...
at things we likely will not see the fullness of fruit until eternity.

Let's walk by faith and not by sight.

I have been more challenged in the past 3 years
 than ever in all of my life...
I have walked through seemingly impossible, 
hopeless situations,
have wept at the feet of Jesus,
have stumbled on the steep climb of going higher
 in working without needing to see
with human eyes the results that in my flesh 
I think would increase my faith.

I have come to understand more fully 
that it is NOT my work...
but it is His work.
He can do whatever He will 
to accomplish His purposes.
Including leaving me in the dark.

Love and blessings on the beautiful day, friends!


  1. Living for Jesus and advancing the Kingdom of God is an out of the comfort zone experience. It doesn't feel the best always, but it keeps us in the dependency on the power of Jesus constantly and that is good.

  2. Thank you, thank you for sharing this, you put my heart into words:)


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