Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Speak, Lord...

This song,
really touched my heart today
as I pondered life.

We rush about and hurry so in this generation.
Always something to do,
places to do,
people to see.

In the past few years, the Lord has provided me
with the opportunity to pull out of that 
hustle and bustle of life somewhat,
and to have much time to spend
at His feet while I serve Him in my home.

It is a blessing, to be sure,
to take the time to listen in the stillness
as God speaks.

I found answers to many questions...

"Lord, what about this situation, 
where falsehood is being proclaimed
in the very churches?!"

In the stillness, I found the answer...
sometimes when I wasn't even looking
for it, like this morning:
2 Tim. 2: 23-26

"Lord, how can I minister to my
friend entering the adult world
who is facing alot of fears?"

In the stillness, He speaks:
Mt. 28:19
"go...make disciples,
and teach her to observe all things
that I have commanded..."
Certainly Jesus often spoke of
not living in fear, but in following
and loving Him.
He promised to never leave us or forsake us.

"Lord, what about those who try to add 
to your Word and do not embrace the
simplicity that in Christ?"

In the stillness, He speaks:
2 Tim 3...
"It is the last days.
Many will fall away from the truth...
Women who are out of their place
will be swayed by imposters
who help them to rebel and believe
the false lies of satan...
Keep those things which you
have been taught...
Endure persecution,
and remember that
ALL Scripture has been
inspired by Me,
and is profitable
for anything you need 
in your life..."

"Lord, what about the abuse and neglect
and the hole in my heart
from those who were supposed to love 
and protect me?"

In the stillness He speaks...
"Forgive, and you will be forgiven."
"I will be your Father..."
"I set the solitary in families."
"Go love some lonely person today,
and I will make sure you have all
that you need."
"Lay down your own life,
and I will give you abundant Life in
Jesus Christ, my Son."

"What about all those horrible lies
that people believe about so
many things that are not so?"

In the stillness, I hear Him speak...
"Love them. Care about them.
Tell them the truth.
Release them to me to change them.
Do not be combative.
Be gentle.
Be courteous.

Lily of the ValleyLove as a 'sister'.
Let me take care of things 
that are Mine to fix."

And my heart says

Doesn't mean there are no tears.
Or heartaches.
Or even times of being a fool
for the cause of Christ.

But one thing I have learned to love
is the stillness.

I don't have anything to prove.
The truth already stands
without needing me
to fight loudly for it.

I find in the stillness
the grace to never despise
any person or people group,
no matter how foolish or
hard-to-reach they may be.
I once was that person.
I once was lost,
but now am found.
Was blind, but now I see.

There is no room in the stillness
to harbor envy, pride, or 
selfish ambition.

All dreams die in the stillness
as I yield under the steady 
but loving gaze of a
Father who has my life planned
better than I ever could plan it.
In that place of safety,
under the shadow of the Almighty,
I find the deepest security and the
height of joy.

He is God and yet He chose me
to be His daughter.
I am a princess of the Most High King.
Who would have ever dreamed 
of such beauty and joy?!

Yes, the stillness is a place that
few find,
but it is such a wonderful
place to know.

Won't you join me in that knowing?
Perhaps you already know that
steady enjoyment of the stillness.
That is wonderful!
May we choose to shut out the
cares of life perplexing
each day and sit at Jesus' feet
in the stillness
and worship and learn of Him.

Let us, then be up and doing
His bidding, whatever He
speaks to us in the stillness.

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