Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Morning Musings...

I was invited to participate in a challenge for the month of September:

Granted, I know that as a child of God I SHOULD be 
instant in season and out of season,
and I definitely aspire to be that...
but, I also know that passivity and  self-pity lap
far too closely at my door,
so I took up the challenge.

It started out as a Facebook challenge, but it 
appears to be extending beyond as well.

It has me thinking about thoughts...
I pondered them this morning as I was 
putting away the new rolls of toilet paper
(yes, this is homemaker's realness...pondering over 
mundane tasks like restocking toilet paper)...
I was feeling a little peevish
(I don't recall why exactly)
and then I thought, well! I have the choice
to be peevish, 
I can thank God that all of my family
has normal bodily functions,
and that we have good food to
help those bodily functions to be normal,
yes, I really did think this...

And then I thought about the planned activities for today...
unloading 5 face cords of fire wood and helping 
my darling husband to load another 5...
and I would really just like to sit and sew and
go for a long walk down the country road,
whose ditches are engorged with the beauty 
of late summer flowers...
I have a choice on what kinds of thoughts
I will allow, so...
I choose gratitude that I have a husband
who is forward thinking,
and hardworking,
and decided that we shall prepare for snow
before the snow this year...
will I help him.

And so it goes...

What about it?
Are we really believing that we
 have been given
the power to 
bring into captivity
to the obedience of Christ?

Which brings me back to
the blessing challenge.
I put it out there for anyone reading this
who may be challenged and encouraged
to do the same in your corner of the world.

There are alot of relationship rubs...
places that hurt
or annoy
or hinder a friendship
if we let them get in the way.

Are we going to sit by and
let those things build up and destroy life?
Or are we going to choose
to bless even the 'unlovable'?
(remembering that outside of Christ,
we are 'of all men most miserable'?)

And besides that,
blessing others is much harder,
and much less frequent in our nature
than to curse the darkness
and to be negative to others...

So I challenge you.
And I take up the challenge myself.

Do you have a story to share
on how the blessing of another
lifted your weary heart?
Or perhaps you can share about 
how the Lord helped you to
change your thoughts from
morose and negative
to thankful and positive?
(I'm going to be sharing each Tuesday
in September, Lord willing,
about how I have been blessed
and encouraged by others)

I'd love to hear from you...


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