Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Of Sons...

Hey Mama,
Your son. Just noticing how loud he is. Man, he's a talker. And he sure makes his wants known. Some call that "whining." And why is he so scruffed up, sweaty and dusty all the time? Oh, and can he eat. That boy can put it away. How on earth do you afford it...
Mama, you wanna know something? That little crackerjack tiger is going to be a man someday. A man who will love you fiercely and who would protect you against anything that dared to come against you. He talks a lot because he's figuring out who he is; his identity is being formed now. He whines at times and expresses himself fully - but that's because he'll be a leader someday and he's learning and testing his limits. Some day his expressions will be eloquent and clear. He will walk and speak with a confidence that will make your heart swell.
Yeah, he's sweaty because he's not afraid of physical activity and hard work. Dirt? It doesn't phase him. As a man, he won't be sniveling and lazy, afraid of getting his hands dirty. Like his dad (and his mama), he will work hard; his family will be his everything. And as you are getting the word of God into his heart, his great Lord and Savior will be his Everything.
Keep walking, Mama. Don't give up. Yes, he's a pressure cooker of popcorn, ever-going off and not all that well reigned in. But he's a work in progress, and ultimately he is the Lord's business. You plant, God waters and harvests. You pour into him, and reap the blessings later.
See that boy? Close your eyes and fast forward a decade or two. See that man? He's yours now and you'll be his then. Those scrawny little arms are the ones that will lift you up in your old age.
Embrace this time. What a gift
~from The Old School House Magazine...

This could not have come at a more timely moment for me.

 Yes, sometimes my son's seeming boundless energy and other things mentioned in this encouraging note
 'get to me' sometimes. 

Oh Lord, 
when I am weary of taking that time 
for him, 
please remind me 
of eternity 
and of his future
 as a man. 


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