Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

Last week I had some very dramatic moments, 
God-inspired happenings that I wish I could describe in detail for you here, 
but due to the sensitive nature of their content, I cannot.
 BUT...I am so blessed and so for my thanksgiving today, 
I share sketches.

1. I KNOW there is a God. I know it now, more fully than ever before by the testimony of a woman who could bless her husband after his harshness to her when her flesh would rather have risen up against him and deserted him when he was having a bad day.

2. I know there is a God in heaven making sure my son has life lessons he needs to help him to learn to cause him to soberly consider that actions, good or bad, deliver consequences, and that there is a God in heaven who is not blind to disobedience...but that He in MERCY does not deliver as bad a punishment as he could, but enough to make us consider our ways.

3. To watch my husband wrestle with an assignment he was given, and to hear the end results which told of the simplicity of God's Words, Truth that endures forever, has strengthened my faith in a God who knows what He is doing for the good of His people.

4. To feel a Holy Spirit nudge on my shoulder and asking me to do a simple, little task for Him one evening last week, resulted in an amazing moment that has wowed me beyond words.

I am blessed. It is my deepest desire to bless the Lord at all times...

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I Can Trust Jesus...

This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...