Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Father to the Fatherless...

I was asked to share at our church on Sunday, 
some of my experiences relating to being adopted.
 I was excited to have the opportunity,
 because I have something I love to share with people 
who are interested.

As I pondered how/what
 to share
 (I was to share to an audience that included small children), 
the Lord reminded me that often Scripture refers to Him
 being a father of the fatherless. 
So I decided to look up a Scripture about that,
 so I could use it at church. 
I also had in the back 
of my mind,
 the Scripture I LOVE about how He sets the lonely
 in families.

Lo and behold, 
the very Scripture I chose about Him being the Father
 to the fatherless 
is only one verse before the one 
about Him setting the lonely in families!

"He is a father to the fatherless,
defender of widows,
this is God, 
whose dwelling is holy.

God places the lonely in families,
He sets the prisoners free
and gives them joy,
but the He makes the
rebellious live in 
a sun-scorched land."

Psalm 68:5, 6

My heart leaps at those words.
To be a child of the everlasting Father,
who is truly a Father to the fatherless,
and to have been given a family
when I could not stay with
my birth parents,
is a blessing I do not take lightly.

I was bound with chains for many years.
Chains of bitterness over injustice
done against me...
chains of loneliness from
years of letting roots grow deep
in unbelief that God truly knows 
what He is doing in my world...
roots from believing satan's lies
that I am unwanted, 
and uncared for,
common lies adopted children
are often bombarded with.

But the day that I stopped rebelling
against the wrongs brought to 
my life by the sin curse
and that were beyond my control,
is the day I started finding
complete healing.
The day I decided to 
let  Jesus be my everything
is the day I found
instead of the desert,
and the day I began 
to be completely whole.


There are sorrows in this world
too hard for us to bear alone.
But there is a Father to
the fatherless,
a God of justice and mercy,
whose Son came to
set every captive free,
who, in ways beyond our
human understanding,
takes the imperfections
in this world,
and makes beauty from ashes,
for our good
and His glory.

May He always receive 
praise and honor.

Love and blessings,

I write from my own experience,
and the chains that satan commonly
rattles for the fatherless.
I fully embrace and acknowledge
the fact that he rattles chains and
shoots fiery darts at every single
person who walks the face of the earth.
The Answer is the same for us all!


  1. Thank you for this! I love hearing stories of redemption! You have a beautiful family. I didn't know you had 4 daughters! I didn't recognize the two that are standing. That little boy must have been pretty special when he came after 4 daughters! I would love to some day hear more of your story.

    1. Mary, we had two daughters and then were blessed with a son who came through a need from a prison ministry. The "extra" daughters are those that God enlarged our tent with by sending them for respite to our home when they were already adults. 💕💕💕


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