Friday, May 1, 2015

All That Jesus Taught...

So last week I started an 80-part series by Zac Poonen titled

Based on his concern that we fulfill all of the Great Commission, I have found this to be a challenging and encouraging series so far. I am committed to trying to listen to all 80 parts in 90 days. (I'm making a good beginning, as I've been sick and needing to rest alot. These are perfect for 'sitting at Jesus' feet and trying not to chafe at being able to do my work like normal right now.)

As I listened to part 6 today, I was struck again with something that I've been learning over the past few years, how it is very important in discipling others that you do not let God be replaced with you in their life. It is easy to do, and innocently we might do it out of concern and care for the person in need. This can happen because we are, in our flesh, often in 'need' of approval or acceptance, and also because needy people are often grasping for anything tangible to place their trust and hope in. Spend any amount of time with a person whose focus is this (whether through immaturity, or through selfishness) and if you aren't careful, you are being hit with demands and needs that only God can really fill.

Go make disciples, my fellow members of the Body, and in your discipling, please be careful not to let yourself take the place of God in your friend's life. If their demands are more than you can fill, be sure not to take it personally if it feels they are policing your moves and feel hurt that you didn't jump when they thought you should, or that you jumped without their permission. Yes, it happens, and while this kind of person needs our compassion, they also need to be pointed to God, and kindly but firmly told that He is who they are really needing and that you are not indispensable, nor are you a pawn to be used at their every beck and call.

I'm sure all of us, if we are honest, can look at our lives and see where God 
had to pry our hands loose from someone (or more than one person) we
grasped too tightly. Sometimes, in my own life, He touched those persons
before I even got to hold them too tightly. It was mercy, but sure didn't 
feel like it at the time!

Kindness, meekness, gentleness is needed, but it is imperative that we do not take the place of God in the lives of others. When they are looking for His will, or needing to grow in an area, wise counsel is ours to pass along if God gives it to us, but we must always, always point them to God as the One they desperately need to know and hear from.

I learned some of these things the hard way, but I wouldn't trade any of the experiences for easier times. God intends that we mature and learn how to disciple others His way.

part 6

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