Saturday, August 20, 2016

When Satan Lies...

"Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest." Isn't it wonderful that God wants to take all of our worries, doubts, and problems away? He gives me rest.:

I hear women on a regular basis sharing that they just "can't get it right" or that they "are so sinful and how can they ever be useful?" and similar sentiments.

I carefully say that, while it matters a great deal that we are truly walking in repentant faithful obedience to the Lord Jesus, ladies, I so deeply long for us to walk in confidence in Him.

The fact is, if we truly are walking in His footsteps, making Him our everything, then we have all that we need for life and godliness. We can REST, knowing that we will be where we belong each hour of the day that we are choosing His life, and we will say what He calls us to say, do what He calls us to do, and NOT do or say what is not His plan for us to do or say.

We will never ever get it right outside of Jesus Christ. We will never ever be able to make it on our own strength and in our own righteousness, which is as filthy rags.

So my dear friends, let your heart soar with the knowledge that you are loved and given LIFE by our Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Listen to the thots He presses onto your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit which He gifted us to guide us unto all truth.

We have the power in the name of Jesus...satan cannot do anything in our life but try to stop us, unless we let him. He is defeated by the Redeemer of our souls.

Will you join me in standing firm on the Rock of all the Ages? Will you stand with me in the confidence we have in Christ Jesus? Will you choose with me to let our roots go deep into Him and to have us grow upward, bearing much fruit and living His abundant life that He wills for us to have?

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