Saturday, July 22, 2017

Of Lyme Disease and 20 years...

Nearly Twenty years ago, 
this young lady joined our home 
and made me a mother. For twenty years, 
God has faithfully kept me desperate for Him as I 
navigated the trail of bringing my children up
 in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

In a few weeks, this lady will turn 20,
 and we will have our first child
leave the teen years behind.

It is pure joy to me to watch my daughter choosing
the way of Life, and ask the hard things
so that she can find the answers to the important things.

As I have watched Angela walk thru the hardship of a chronic disease
the past 4 years, admiration grows in my heart daily
 for how she has gracefully
found a way to deal with the disappointment of giving the last half
of her teen years to Lyme Disease and co-infections.
She has had to face the huge hurdle of neurological issues
(outlandish fears, depression, worry and anxiety, and
foggy brain, 
buzzing brain that gets overstimulated in
 bright light or at social functions) 
off and on for 4 years, and has learned
how to keep going in spite of it, in the capacity 
in which she is able to do it.

She doesn't get as much done in 'activity' as 
many young people do, but it blesses me to
watch her determinedly tackle at least basic
homemaking on most any day, and on the days she
feels well, we see glimpses of who she used to be
as she digs into cleaning projects and other things
around the home, her voice like a songbird
singing beautiful hymns to our Maker.

When if feels like she has yet 'another down day',
we have to pause and remember that 
this woman has been able to do two consecutive years
of chorus with a local youth group including tours,
besides the daily round of duties she actually
does including tending parts of our vegetable garden,
the chickens, sometimes doing chores for her dad, etc.
And even if she would not 'get anything done', we would still love her.
I just share that because satan wants to steal our gratitude,
so I fight back by 'remembering'.

I am delighted to walk past the living room door
many afternoons where she busily fills capsules
with the herbs our family uses on a regular basis,
sometimes also I hear a sermon playing while she works.

It has been a deeply painful journey to watch
our daughter walk thru this disease,
and there have been moments when I have hidden in my room
sobbing into my bedspread or pillow because
it was just too painful to experience,
lifting my daughter up to the One who
never leaves us or forsakes us.

But one thing we have learned to know...
God never makes mistakes.
He tailor makes our circumstances for us,
and we  have learned amazing things
thru this one!

It is sometimes a lonely journey, too,
because Lyme disease is an 'unseen'
struggle, for the most part.
We still are learning how to share with 
friends and relatives honestly without
causing them to feel awkward or unsure
how to relate to it all.

Happy birthday, dear Angela.
We love you and look forward
to seeing what God has in store
for you in the days He gives you.

This oldest daughter of mine is blessed beyond measure
with a sister who spent all of her teen years learning
how to sometimes be 'oldest sister' instead of middle child...
who has stepped up and filled in countless times when her
sister was unable to meet the need of the hour.
Her sister has become her best friend, and it is a delight to my heart
to hear them holding 'adult' conversations, having found a way
to celebrate their differences and blend their 'night and day' differences
to make a beautiful friendship that comforts our hearts.

I am grateful to look back thru the past 4 years
and see the healing she has already experienced.
I believe that one day she will be completely healed,
if not in this life, then in eternity.
We are grateful for God's amazing grace

all photo credits go to the talented and lovely
Janelle Eby at Joy Focused Photography

1 comment:

  1. I can relate....mostly, My first bout with Lyme happened 10 years ago. But we caught it early enough to treat it with antibiotics. My life went on from there pretty much normal, except for reoccurring bouts. I know what you are talking about when you mention foggy, brain, buzzing and overstimulated by light and too much activity. Just shopping does that to me too. When I'm having a bout of Lyme my brain feels like a buzzy radio station that's just not tuned in right. Extreme fatigue and weakness. But I do not live with this all the time. Maybe once a year, I have it come back. Not sure if stress brings it on or what. I have discovered that A sweet little volcanic mineral called Zeolite does wonders in detoxifying my system.If you want info email me


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