Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Partakers With Christ...

In life there are difficulties.
There are disappointments.
People fail us.
We are broken hearted over stilted relationships,
or relationships that are broken by man's stubborn pride.
There is sickness.
There is separation by death.
There are false prophets and wolves who steal sheep.
There are silly women being led captive by
teachers with fair speeches.
The righteous are mocked and ridiculed.
Often by those who profess godliness.
And we are left standing in the midst of perplexities
and confusion, sometimes despairing at life itself
(as Paul was in 2 Cor. 1:8),
wondering what is the purpose, and what is the meaning
of such senselessness.
One thing that helps me every day as I wade through
hearatache, loss and confusion
is to look UP and to center my life on Jesus Christ.
I focus on His promises.
I remember His mighty displays of power in
other seasons of my life,
and I recall His faithfulness both in my own life
and in the life of others, whether they be from Scripture
or from faithful believers I know or have read about
from days of yore.
Always, always there is Jesus.
He never changes.
Nothing and no one can separate us from His love.
He IS the answer in the midst of every circumstance,
the help in time of any trouble.
He stands as the Way to eternal life,
and the Way to bring glory to God.
I am so very thankful for this Jesus.
I am so thankful that I know His eternal life.
And I am so thankful that He desires for me to be a companion to Him.
(my family and I heard this sermon on Sunday and I was so very encouraged).
I am blessed to know that if I but follow Him,
then I will of a certainty be able to look back in years to come
(just as I can do today for the past years)
and say with awe and joy that
"Jesus led me all the way".
Glory to His Name.

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I Can Trust Jesus...

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