Friday, August 2, 2013

Musings from a Roadtrip...

Road Construction
Recently as my daughters and a few friends were wending our way homeward after a few days away, I found myself pondering life as I navigated carefully through miles of road construction. As I drove
carefully through
narrow places
framed by
I thought of
how we encounter tight spots in our journey to eternity and how sometimes it seems scary to enter those places.
But with Jesus as our Guide, we proceed, sometimes cautiously because we want to be
sure that we are doing the right thing, but always with a trust that He will see us
safely through. 
The way was well marked. As I drove along, I followed all manner of signs from
speed limit signs, directional guides (like "lane changes ahead" or "be prepared to stop"),
as well as signs to guide me to whichever route I needed to take to get me home.
I never had to wonder if I was on the right road, or if I
was driving the right speed
as long as I paid attention to the signs.
So it is in our climb heavenward.
 We are given the Holy Spirit to help us understand which way to take.
We have the Roadmap, the Word of God to guide us in every situation.
All we need to do is follow the signs, whether they be nudges from
the Holy Spirit, or commands/examples in the Bible.
I was blessed to ponder these things and I was so very glad to be home,
when finally we pulled in the drive!
stargazer lily from my garden
photo credit: Angela Zimmerman
 When we get to the end of the Way, what a day that will be!
Heaven will surely be worth it all,
Worth all the sorrows that here befall,
After this life, with all its strife,
Heaven will surely be worth it all.
Let's follow the Road signs and our Guide.
We will never be in want of direction when we stay
close to His side.

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I Can Trust Jesus...

This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...