Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Be Still and Know...

At one point in my life, I was presented this verse in a wall hanging by one who
knows me well and heeded the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share with me
what would become THE most repeated lesson for me to learn in my life:

When she gave that verse to me, it did not mean as much then as it does today.
Being still was not part of my vocabulary.
I was one who 'made things happen'.
I was one who could manage and direct and correct and do.
I was one who found it hard to sit still and wait
when things needed to be done or when things weren't right.
But God has His ways of asking for that which is most precious to us.
Or things that He knows are not in our best interest if we truly want
to have Him be the center of our lives.
So repeatedly I have been put into situations where I have
had to be still and know that He is God...
From being married to a man who is godly and kind but
very cautious and thinks through things from many angles
before he FINALLY makes a decision...
(and very few times has his decision ended badly whereas
if I would have gotten to choose and decide, my
decisions could have resulted in disaster and heartache!)
to being put in a desert of fellowship at different times
in order that I might know HIM only and not be
distracted or dependent on people to fill the place that
only He can fill...
to wanting to reach goals that I have
but He has said "Wait, and go at my bidding"...
I can honestly say that when the heart is truly broken,
that is the time when being still comes much, much more easily
than when we still hold onto bits and pieces of 'me'
and insist that we need 'me' in order to truly be successful or happy.
My encouragement to us all today is to
Be still and know that He is God.
Go into the secret places and abide under the shadow of His wings.
Talk to Him. Not just when you kneel down to pray but
talk to Him when you are driving or out walking or
in the shower or combing your hair
or even when you lie down on your bed at night and
are not yet asleep.
Be still and know that He is God.
Let's not assume we know His will for us
and charge ahead in it without confirmation from above.

Being still requires me to lay it all down at His feet
If it comes back to haunt me daily, then I choose
to lay it down again, seeking (sometimes in bitter tears)
to know Him and to walk in His Way through life.
But all the while we cry and we sometimes walk in dark valleys,
holding to His hand is an action that comes from
being still and knowing that He is God.
It is me saying,
"I don't understand life right now,
but I claim every last promise You have spoken,
and know that You will never forsake your own.
I choose to walk uprightly and leave the
details of my life to You."
Being still also needs to happen when we are on the
mountain top or in a little cove of the journey,
resting after hard labor and sweat and toil.
Being still in the sunny glades is so important because
it says that
I am NOTHING and can do NOTHING
without my Father,
just like Jesus.
Be still...
and know that He is God.
Blessings to all,


  1. Take Thou my hand, Oh Father, and lead Thou me, until my journey endeth, eternally.
    Alone I will not wander, one single day...
    Be Thou my True Companion, and with me stay.

    Oh cover with Thy mercy, my poor weak heart,
    Let every thought rebellious from me depart.
    Permit Thy child to linger, here at Thy feet,
    And blindly trust Thy goodness with faith complete.

    Though naught of Thy great power may move my soul, with Thee through night and darkness, I reach the goal.
    Take then my hands, Oh Father! And lead Thou me...
    Until my journey endeth eternally.

    This is the cry of my soul...but I'm finding it hard to "blindly trust His goodness", or to let go enough for Him to hold both my hands because they're stretched out, and empty, instead of grasping or clenching...It is hard to be still before Him, while the road in the valley seems long and lonely. But thank you for these words of being still and knowing that He is God.

  2. Oh,yes, Jesus, only Jesus,His will at all times,this is my hearts cry,but Oh my, In my not understanding,I question Him,did I hear you right Lord,Surely you did not mean that,or you probably are not asking me to lay that down too...In this year 2013,the Lord has removed many things and situations,it has not been easy always, but to my shame,it has taken me a long time to say,but I am at peace.I was reminded recently that when Ruth was called to meet at the threshing floor, the threshing floor meant you had to be not only willing but low physically.I thought about this in my own life, I have to be willing, low,and then He will do the separating that needs doing,getting rid of what is not desirous in me to Him.Only then will the way become clearer,and the blessings do come,for me it is peace.This does not mean life is now perfect, just that I am hiding in Him,trusting that what He has begun, if I am obedient,He will complete.The depth of my ministry,will only be the depth of my suffering.Thanks again Marcia, blessings on this gorgeous Fall day that He has gifted to us,Dawn


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