Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Tribute to my Mother...

On the anniversary of my birth,
I pause to weep for a mother
I  never knew...
Having been placed for
adoption from
 the moment I was born, I was blessed with a home and godly influences in my life for which I am deeply grateful.
 But the older I become, the more I find myself contemplating on each birthday's eve,
 the mother  I never knew.
Quite possibly even now,
 at this hour,
38 years ago,
as the pains of birth ripped at her body, her heart was ripping into millions of pieces as she thought of the separation that was imminent. I weep for that mother, and I bless her wherever she is.
And if she walks this earth,
 I pray that she knows Jesus.
I pray that she knows how much He loves her
 and I pray that she knows that I am safe and happy.

If I never see that blessed woman on this earth,
 my heart beats high with the hope
that I will meet her in heaven
with the One who rescued me
from hell 
and died to give me a birth
 that gives me the privilege
 of being adopted twice in my lifetime.
God bless mothers everywhere who
 have had to, for many different reasons,
 place their babies in another's arms for
loving and safekeeping.

And God bless my mother for
giving me life,
and not ending it before I saw the light of day...
I desire to live my life fully,
 on purpose, with purpose, and for the purpose
 He created for me to fulfill
while I am waiting to go to my eternal Home.

God has written my story in a way
that only He can write it.
I have stained it in many places
 but I am so thankful
for His never-failing
that sent Jesus to die for me
and to wash that story
white as the driven snow...
Like Paul, I say with deep conviction:
"...forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forward to those things that
are before,
I PRESS toward the mark...
in Christ Jesus."
One day my life will be over.
And time will be no more.
Oh, may I live it fully for Him.
Love and blessings,

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I Can Trust Jesus...

This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...