Monday, February 10, 2014


the words of a wife who learned to let Christ be her all in all, 
despite the imperfect marriage she was in:

"I remember that anguish, those relentless tears, 
the heaving of my chest and my desperate crying out. 
I remember how it seemed as if sorrow would never leave my... if around every single corner more disappointment was lurking.
 I know well that place of want - 
desiring so much that redemption and restoration 
that others had experienced. 
I have been the praying wife.
 And I want you to know that you will get through this.
 You will know joy in the land of the living again. 
But you must set your heart in forward motion.
 You must choose to have a heart of gratitude. 
You must choose holiness over happiness. 
You must come to the place where you trust God 
when it doesn't make sense, 
when sorrows and disappointments continue to come
 in waves and it seems as if all is lost... 
because all is not... 
you are being refined and sculpted into a greater masterpiece 
and you are meant for something so much bigger than yourself. 
To God be the glory...that is the point. 
You are meant to glorify Him and He's working that out
 in you through this difficult season. 
So shine for Him, praying wife, 
let the world see that your hope is not in a saved marriage, 
a husband who surrenders or comes back ...
let them see that your hope is in Christ alone!"

I was thinking that  we tend to make our husbands God...when they can never be Him. Even though they are called to love us as Jesus loves the church, they still are not perfect and we must be careful that we have a complete trust in Christ alone, who then helps us to love our husbands and reverence them as we ought.

Food for thought...

I was encouraged.

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