Friday, May 23, 2014

A Useful Vessel...

I read some fascinating Scripture the other morning:
"But in a great house there are
not only vessels of gold and silver,
but also (utensils) of wood and
and some for
honorable and noble use.
So whoever cleanses himself
from what is ignoble and unclean,
who separates himself from
contact with
contaminating and corrupting
will then himself
be a vessel
set apart and useful
for honorable and noble
to the Master,
fit and ready for any
good work."
2 Tim. 2:20, 21
And so I pondered...
In 1 Cor. 12:31
we are told to
"earnestly desire and
zealously cultivate
the greatest and best gifts
and graces
(the higher gifts and choicest graces)..."
God has a purpose for us each to fulfill.
He has an excellent way of love
(1 Cor. 13, the love chapter that follows
the 'gifts' chapter) for each of us
to follow.
He provided the Way for each of us
to walk in brokenness and surrender
so that we can be useful vessels.
But there is a process to getting
to that place of consistent usefulness.
There is a training ground we all
must take to get to the responsibilities
of maturity.
It is ok to be in that training ground.
That is highly necessary.
But I am earnestly encouraging
each of us to do what 2 Tim. 2 says
in cleansing ourselves of hindrances
and in separating ourselves from
what would contaminate and corrupt us
and cause us to stay stunted and in
a consistently immature place.
I looked back over my life since I
have been in the King's training
program for service.
And I saw places where He called me
to separate.
Friendships that were potentially corrupting.
Family ties that were hindering me from
going on with the Lord and in being the wife
and mother I was called to be in Him.
They were hard things.
Heart wrenching things.
There were the contaminating things
that I had to let go of...
books that were from Christian bookstores
that contained more psychobabble than
Scriptural counsel
that had to have their place of
honor in the bonfire...
movies that once I watched
that were not worthy to have
their place in a child of God's possession.
There were life styles I had to say no to.
The commonly accepted sins of the church
in work and eating practices
that smack of idolatry.
There were speech impediments I
have had say no to and train in
a better way...
gossip that isn't called
gossip by many Christians...
slanderous conversations
about people who wronged
me in the past...
I am a work in progress,
and still have leaky places in my
vessel that the Potter needs to
I tremble to think that HE would
even consider me and give me
work to do in His Vineyard,
but I humbly
and reverently
place myself at His Cross
and willingly accept all the
tasks His wisdom assigns me.
It has been my experience
that as I lay aside what
hinders me from becoming
useful in God's Kingdom,
the eyes of my understanding
increase in their enlightenment,
my life becomes freer
(no, the sorrows do not go away; this
world is not a friend to grace! But
I am free in HIM!),
and there is a peace and joy
in my heart that no one can
take away from me.
And as I labor in the Vineyard,
and see the fields that are
white unto harvest,
my heart cry goes out with
Jesus' cry when HE said
"Truly the harvest is great but
the laborers are few.
Pray the Lord of the harvest
that He may send for
My encouragement for myself
and all of us is that we
will do as 2 Tim 2: 21 says
and prepare ourselves
to be vessels that are
profitable and useful.
I had to think of Hebrews 12:1
"...let us lay aside every weight
which doth so easily beset us,
and let us run with patience
the race that is set before us.
Looking unto JESUS,
the author and finisher
of our faith..."
In Him, we live and move and have our being.
Let us grow in maturity and become
useful vessels that can do much work
for Him in His Kingdom.
Love and blessings,

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