Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Of Mission and Life...

Yesterday I read Mark 1:1-8 
and was very inspired. 
I'm still pondering, but here are a few thoughts 
 that stirred my soul...

John the Baptist had a calling on his life 
to prepare the way for the coming Christ, 
the promised One who would take away the sin of the world. 
Born of unusual circumstances, he did not let that go to his head, 
but instead, lived the mission he was called for: 
to proclaim the news that the Messiah would soon appear.

As I read, it struck me that everything John did 
during his preaching years that are recorded in Scripture, 
was about his mission. 
Everything he ate, where he lived, what he wore, 
and what he said and did all helped him to proclaim 
the news of the coming Lord. 
Some things, like removing himself from distractions of town and city life 
to the desert land and eating simply,
 clothed in simple attire helped John to 
focus fully on his calling to preach to the people.

I am pondering...

Somehow that struck thoughts deep in my soul. 
I have been called to proclaim the Good News that Jesus lives. 
What distracts me from doing that fully? 
Where can I lay down things that are hindering my walk and my witness?

Still pondering...and I think I shall be for quite awhile.

I have been put here on Earth for only a little while, 
and the calling is loud and clear:

 "Go and preach the Gospel...
teaching them to observe all things 
whatsoever I have commanded you."

I don't see much room for distraction in my life,
 and with each passing day, 
my heart yearns still more to be uncluttered from the stuff of earth...
stuff that clouds my judgement and causes me to look away from the One
 who called me by name and lifted me out of a horrible pit 
and set my feet on the Rock...

My heart responds in gladsome reply to that call: 

Yes, Lord. I will.

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