Saturday, September 27, 2014

Autumn Giveaway...

Can you believe autumn is here?! What beauty is just outside my back door as the maple trees do their yearly dance of color. I just came in from enjoying the sunshine on this lovely day, helping my husband reduce the huge cottage garden we have enjoyed the past 6 years in the front of our house. Time to admit that downsizing is a good idea. With all the things we have going on in our lives, there is just no time to properly care for vast places of landscaping on our property.

If you live locally, feel free to come by for perennial starts for a few weeks yet. I would be happy to send them off to other homes where they will bring joy to another.

Are you ready to hear about the giveaway? Remember the one I did in the spring? Well, I've been reading another book...and it's good! So good, in fact, that I would like to give away 2 copies. It has been challenging, convicting, thought provoking, and encouraging to me, and I would love to give you a copy to read.

For a chance to win a copy of this book written in the 1800's but with a message so poignant to today's society, please comment either here, or on Facebook, or Google Plus and share a blessing you are grateful for these days. Or ten blessings, or however many you would like to share :-)

I have found this book easy to read, and a real blessing to ponder.

I would recommend it to every man or woman, young or old!

This giveaway will be open for two weeks.
So in two weeks, on October 11, 2014,
I will put all the contestants' names in
a basket, toss them around,
and have my son draw two names.
I will announce the winners on the blog.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

God bless you...
and happy autumn to you all.


  1. Blessed beyond measure,
    Oh what a treasure!
    Hubby, daughter, and three sons,
    All the victories that have been won,
    By God's almighty power,
    He is my strong and mighty tower.
    -Lois Hege

  2. That is lovely, Lois! Family is certainly a huge blessing, isn't it?! Thanks for sharing.
    Interesting to 'meet' up with you after all these years. Would be great to meet in person again one day...


I always enjoy hearing from my readers. Feel free to leave a Christ-honoring comment.

I Can Trust Jesus...

This quote has grabbed my attention alot. I have had opportunity, just like anyone else in this world, to experience the reality ...