Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Morning Musings...Encouragement Part 3

Goodmorning friends...

In pondering encouragement further, the Lord brought a few things to mind through personal experiences since I wrote last Tuesday on this subject. Here is one experience I had that has me thinking more:

In my opinion, one of the most powerful forms of encouragement comes from pronouncing blessing on others. Just Sunday evening this happened to my  husband and I through a brother who shared how we have challenged and blessed him and his family. It was a simple statement, but enough to amaze me at first, then thank GOD that our lives bless others and point them to Jesus. It is humbling and exciting when others bless us in this way (altho we should never 'live' to have this happen!) because we know we cannot do this of ourselves, and although we are needy and sometimes have a faith too weak to believe that our lives account for much (yes, I am well aware and teach it myself: that the focus should never be US but HIM...this article is presenting the reality of temptation in a believer's life...), God brings people to us to encourage us to keep going in His Way. So my challenge today is to get out there and verbally bless the believers in your life. It is a hard, uphill climb to heaven. There are obstacles along the way. The enemy of our souls is working overtime it seems to drag us back over the Great Divide of allegiances to his side. There is much struggle, heartache, and rebuff if you are a child of God because the powers of darkness are at war with the powers of Light.

Go bless them. Specifically share how they have encouraged, challenged, convicted, or lifted up your soul. They need to hear it. Because let me tell you, no matter how mature they are, or how strong they seem, or how unmoved they are by the storms, you have no idea sometimes just how black the waves of discouragement or depression that lap at their door step, nor how strong the pull of self-pity or bitterness may be in their life. You have no idea how hard they are fighting and how raging is the storm that they might be going through, and even though technically God is supposed to be (and is) enough, your words of blessing and encouragement just might be the lift their hands that hang down need, or the strengthening their feeble knees need. 

I think it is time we the people stand up and use our words to bless and build each other up where we can. I realize that sometimes there are broken relationships that we cannot fix, but for who you can, BLESS with your words...and your actions too, as stated previously.

Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement
about an autumn giveaway this week...

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