Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

I'm remembering a time when I was encouraged...
(I missed posting about encouragement on Tuesday, which I had planned to do...)

One day a few months ago I was feeling kind of lonely...and somehow satan knew this and was really piling on the discouragement over neglect from various relationships in my history...

I was fighting it in my spirit but was really feeling crummy. 

Then, a simple message sent through Facebook from a woman I have not seen in probably 10 years, recommending a blog she thought I would like, was like water from a thirsty land. 

God used this dear woman, who had no idea that I was struggling, to remind me that He has my times in His hands, and that He cares about me (I wasn't doubting that, but He sure found a way to reassure me nonetheless.)

So today, I send thanks to God for the blessing of encouragement.

And thank you, to my friend Sharlynn. You are a blessing to me and I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Here's wishing you all a very good day. This is the day He made, so I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Love and blessings,

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