Monday, October 13, 2014

In Ministering...

"Ministering in everyday opportunities means
 being available in any of the seemingly
 random surroundings He has engineered for us. 
The things Jesus did were the most menial of everyday tasks, 
and this is an indication that it takes all of God's power in me
 to accomplish even the most common tasks in His way. 
Can I use a towel as He did? 
Towels, dishes, sandals, and all the other ordinary things 
in our lives reveal what we are made of more quickly
 than anything else. 
It takes God Almighty Incarnate in us
 to do the most menial duty as it ought to be done."

 --Oswald Chambers, 
from the My Utmost for His Highest Perpetual Calendar.

This message is especially precious to me as recently, 
God asked me to fast over a weekend as I struggled through
some perplexing things, saying He had some things to 
tell me.

So...I obeyed, and He called me to go deeper in
my vision of wifehood and motherhood.
Some specific things He asked to to change
for the ongoing good of my place in the family
and for helping my husband
I was already heading towards,
but my! What answers we get
when we ask.

I had to think of this time as I read
the Oswald Chambers' devotional above.
My heart echoes Brother Elliot's words
as well...

I was thinking alot since that weekend
how that, to many, and even to myself sometimes,
the ministry of motherhood and being a wife
may seem mundane and menial much of the time.
if I see it as the ministry I have been given,
to be the hands and feet of Jesus to
my husband and children
then even towels and mops are
instruments of heaven
for the good of the family.

Take heart in whatever ministry
God has called you to,
and throw your whole heart into it.
You are being a world changer,
making a difference if you
put your heart into being
fully engaged where He called you.

1 comment:

  1. I've really enjoyed reading on Jim Elliot's life at different times in my life-his heart and desire for God, his passion and wholeheartedness have been an inspiration to me. My desire is to go deeper with God in that way, that my life would bear fruit for Him!


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