Saturday, November 22, 2014

Rocks Along the Way...

My ponderings at this end of a
spiritual warfarish
sort of day:

    So...when we encounter a rocky part of the trail, we can either pick up rocks out of frustration and fling them at fellow travelers, or we can sit and be jealous of others who appear to be climbing more effortlessly than we are, or we can run away and look for a smoother path to navigate, or we can trust the everlasting Guide who has walked the way before us. These thoughts chase thru my heart tonite. I know which choice works the best...for my good and His glory.


  1. May you find God's presence and strength close, and may you have a blessed day of rest tomorrow to refresh your spirit... sorry you had a rough day. Praying for you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I needed that! Thanks for sharing. It really is easy to start going down any of those roads rather than trusting the One Who knows all things and is able to guide us through to victory.
    Love n prayers.

  4. It's only as we walk close with the shepherd when the path is pleasant that we can face the rough and rocky paths, thankfully feelings come and go but if we walk in the spirit, our flesh has no power, I know, I've been there too.

  5. It may not be all of those paths,but I think all of us are more tempted in at at least one of those ways especially, thanks for sharing !


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