Saturday, August 22, 2015

On Being a Missionary...part 1

Steve Saint posted this recently on Facebook, bringing my thoughts on this to a blog post:

I sometimes cringe when I hear us saying,
"She/he is leaving for THE mission field,"
or when we ask youth what their aspirations are,
they sometimes tell us that they want to 
be a missionary in some foreign country.

Now, please don't misunderstand me.
I think it's wonderful that I have
brothers and sisters in Christ
serving the Lord in China,
and in Haiti, 
and in in Guatemala,
and in Thailand,
and I am so very blessed to know
that they carry the love of Jesus
with them in those places of the earth.

But what about those of us who live 
in America?
What about us?
Do we not know that wherever we are
is THE mission field?
Do we not know that even now
on American soil
there are sinners dying without knowing
Jesus Christ?!
 Do we not know that we have been
created to know Him personally
and making Him known to others,
and that this happens wherever He has us?

Why is it that we seem to think that
America is less in need than other
Or that if you don't go to another country,
then somehow you missed your calling in life?

Jesus said that that fields are white unto harvest,
but the laborers are few.
Let me tell you, friends, that as a discipler of
converts in America, I KNOW this with a
deep sense of disappointment and my heart
breaks at all the masses to be reached who seem
to be passed by as the church sleeps.

Jesus also said,
"Pray to the Lord of the harvest,
that He will send forth reapers."

So...could it be that we do not pray this because
we have no vision for 'mission' 
(making Him known),
or that we are afraid He will send us?

Whether you live in America or Haiti,
Ghana or Tanzania, 
please hear this:

If God calls you to Tanzania to cuddle little babies and to tend the broken bodies
while showing them Jesus who is the Answer to their heart's needs,
then GOD BLESS YOU! Do it with all of your heart.

If God calls you to China to tend the orphans and to teach in their schools,
then do that with your whole heart!

But if God has called you to America,
to preach the Gospel,
to birth and raise children for Him,
to disciple the converts,
to comfort the sick,
to visit the widows,
and the fatherless,
to adopt the orphan,
to help the homeless,
to send your youth to pick up
surplus apples and help
your fellow churches to
dry them for Haitian missions,
to help the elderly neighbor lady
clear her house roof of snow
when it worries her in winter,
to make meals for that busy mom 
in your church,
to care for the elderly,
to have your church families
over to your house for encouraging them
(and in turn yourself!),
to raise extra rows of veggies in your garden
to donate to the food pantries,
to show younger siblings what it looks like
to have Jesus govern your heart,
to help your parents (after they have spent
years raising you and you are now a youth)
to minister in your community in the
part/work of the Vineyard where God
has called your family...
then please know that this is just as important
as being in a country other than America,
and jump in there and do it with
ALL your heart.

There are great needs here.
There are great needs everywhere.

May the Lord depend on you?

Jesus came to preach good tidings.
The good news?
You don't have to live in your
crummy, sinful, selfishness
a day longer than today.
He died to set you free
and He rose to cancel the power
of satan's hold on us on earth.
Do we KNOW this in our own lives?
If we do truly know
my guess is that we already are
making Him known.

Stay tuned for part 2 of
"on being a missionary..."

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