Tuesday, January 19, 2016

On Leaving the Thirties Behind...

Today I stand in the glow of the sunset over the third decade of  my life.
As I stand at the threshold of my forties, I find myself pondering deeply
and raising my heart in gratitude to the Lord, my God.

My thirties were lived primarily and wholeheartedly for God.
I was born again when I was 25 years old, and decided that
I was all in or not at all so I've been up and running full tilt
since the day I found deep and radical new Birth was mine
through repentant faith in the One who died for me.
So by the time my thirties came along, I had sure footing,
settled peace in my soul and a zeal to live for God
above anything else, but He has had many
things to teach me about complete trust in Him
no matter what I face or what is denied me
that would seem like a good thing.
He has had to teach me much about 
being ok for the messiness of life to touch me,
caring deeply about the devastation that touches 
others because of sin and the fall of man...
trusting Him to write His thots on hearts
that seem blind and hard,
reaching into the darkness 
and holding forth the Word of life while
loving them, knowing that His job is
to do the transforming.

My thirties were far from peaceful externally.
Oh my no! I have walked thru the wild wind of
the wilderness, felt the burning desert sand beneath my feet,
and found myself crushed beyond anything I had
ever known. I have lost alot in my thirties...
felt the crushing blows of disappointment,
and known the Knife of the Master Pruner.

I came across a quote recently that really 
describes my thirties better than I can:

But in all that, I came to know the sweetness of
fellowship in Christ, the kind that happens 
when you stand stripped of all self-sufficiency.
I have known peace in my heart that could not be shaken
unless I had strayed away from God myself.

Looking back, I would have to say that
my thirties have been some of the best
years of my life.
I have met many new friends whose hearts
beat high with the same joy mine does,
some of them very much younger than I
but with a passion that encourages me
to keep walking with God.
I have not ever been in want. Not once.
And what I lost, well, I completely
trust God that it was a good thing.
And I choose to walk in quiet surrender,
reaching my hands out to work in the
part of the Vineyard where I am called.
He knows best.
I honestly believe that with every
fiber of my being.

And so, as I stand at the entrance of a
new adventure, a new decade of life,
as God tarries,
I do not fear. I am not scared to see the gray hair
becoming prominent on my head.
I am not afraid of the unknowns that lie ahead.
I have God. I love His ways and I am 
completely safe in His care.

In a testimony shared in church on Sunday,
I soberly recounted how choices are
so very important as I ponder where I
could have been had I not decided to follow Jesus.
I see friends and family who still stumble in
darkness and selfish living and I weep for them
to know the LIFE that I know because of

I can boast of nothing but the Cross of Jesus Christ.

In every single day, I am keenly aware 
of who I am outside of His powerful life
 that flows through me.
I can do nothing on my own.
I only know that I do not want 
to live for me.
I want HIM. Always.
In every single day that
 He gives me breath.

Here's to the 40's for me!
To God be the glory,
GREAT things He has done
so far...he melted my heart of stone
and replaced it with the peace 
that passes all understanding!

Love and blessings,

This song has become the crowning theme
for me as I look back over my thirties
and realize how graciously God has led
me all the way, ever constant in His
light, grace, and love.

He'll be that to anyone who truly
follows Him and allows Him to 
make them wholly His.
I promise.

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