Saturday, August 6, 2016

Making Disciples...

The subject of making disciples
is very close to my heart,
and I just want to share with you...
Please know that I am very aware that
this is a HUGE subject with many different trails,
and I know and appreciate that
many people are actively engaged in
discipling others.

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel,
baptizing them in the name of the
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus spoke those words, recorded for us
in Matthew 28:18-19
In the past few  years, I know I've had
my eyes opened in a new way
to how rare a thing it seems to be
that actual discipling is being done
in the churches.

To disciple means
that first of all I need to be a
follower of the One I
am teaching others to follow.
It means that I must have my
eyes fixed on Jesus Christ
so that I can continually
be growing and being changed
by Him...
thus, in turn, will I
have something to offer
the broken who He sends to my

To disciple someone means that
I must be willing to lay my own
life down in order to take the time
it takes to have a relationship with
the one I am discipling.

I put a challenge out for all the
Christians who read this.
Do you really need to take the time
for that expensive hobby?
Is someone lonely or being untended
at the expense of your expensive
and exclusive vacations?
Do we really need all the 'me' time
we think we do?
Or can we take some of that time
to make freezer meals for
the bachelor in our church
who works full time and has
little time or even energy left
to cook himself healthy meals.
Do we take the time to write notes of
There are millions of ways to do
that these days...thanks to the wonderful
invention called the internet. It can even take but
seconds to send someone a message
to say you are thinking of them and hope they
are finding hope and joy in their day.

You never know where those kinds of
gestures will lead you.
From my experience, finding the 'right'
person to disciple doesn't need to be a
chore, nor is it even my job.
That is God's job.
I need only to have a deep and true
relationship with Him,
and a willing heart to be
a reaper in the field He calls me to.

In Psalms it tells us that
God sets the lonely in families.
How well are we as the
hands and feet of Jesus
doing in being those
families to the lonely?
Perhaps that afternoon you
took time to include someone else
in your life will be a means
to helping that person to
find courage to keep walking
this rocky road Home to God.
Maybe that note you send
will be the means of opening a
blocked cave in some struggling
person's heart in ways that
might not have happened

Let's listen to the voice of God
and let Him lead us in
discipling others.
We can't all do it the same way,
but we can do our part with the
same LOVE that sent
Jesus down to earth
to be a ransom for us
and set us free to
be witnesses that He
still changes lives today.

It is not always easy or convenient to disciple others.
BUT do you think that Jesus had ease or
convenience while He ministered those three years
before He died?
He gave up sleep on many occasions
(Nicodemus comes to mind, as well as the wild and scary boat ride
where the disciples roused him from slumber).
He gave up comfort
("but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head").
He gave up the warmth and comfort of being with
those who loved him wholly
(Think: His friends Lazarus, Mary and Martha)
to go minister to the broken and needy.
He risked His life...
He had to deal with people who were jealous,
needy (who goes on a long journey without food???)
and needed him to bail them out constantly,
and then He was falsely accused and killed
after He had spent all those days and hours
ministering to others.
I doubt that any of us will ever
be as inconvenienced as Jesus was.
I am in awe how He dealt with the crowds
and the individuals that came to Him.
He is a great example to me on how to
relate to those God puts into my life.

So whether it is your children, or young people,
or neighbors, or relatives, or whoever it is,
remember that God plans for you to pass along to
anyone He sends you the Good News of the Gospel.
We lead by example.
We show by our words and our actions just
what the heart of God is.

What message are you giving to others today?

my friend, Heidi Wall, 'discipling' her young ones...
and didn't even know she was encouraging me at the same time!

My life has been incredibly blessed in the reaching
out to others. For me, it has been mostly my children
and young people that God has called me so far to
disciple but there have been a few others as well.
But in the ministering that I have obeyed God in doing,
I have been blessed beyond words with
friendships offered, love given, and
the fruit of eternal life growing in these dear ones.
I will never be the same.
And I don't miss the things I gave up
in order to have the time and resources
to disciple others.

Will you join me?
Eternity is long.
Life is short.
Let's give every day He gives us
back to Him in service.

Love and blessings,

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