Wednesday, April 17, 2013

God's Way...

by Curvin Wenger

There was a time in my life when I felt I needed to go for counseling to help me with some huge issues I was facing. God always prevented me from doing it, even though I pursued it several times. He provided two very special sisters within the Body of Christ, besides godly preachers, writers, other friends and my husband who all were parts in that special Body He created to disciple and encourage believers. I was mentored (discipled) by two sisters very different from one another but both having the same message: the message of Truth found in the whole counsel of God (through His Holy Word). Looking back, I marvel often at how God provided so well for me. I have never been in need without Him bringing me the answers to those needs. Sometimes I simply needed more time alone with Him, on wilderness trails and desert climbs where I had to pause and hear His teaching me things that no human ever could. Other times, the Spirit sent people to me to teach me and to correct me, to encourage and strengthen my hand in God.
 I have been so blessed and I want to encourage us all to listen to this sermon with an open heart.
I believe that through my experiences, God is telling me to go back and show my friends this lesson I've learned: that His heart is still found in the simplicity which is in Christ, which applies to helping those who need help and counsel. I would love to see the Body go back to its God-designed place of discipling one another instead of doing things the worldly way of handing off 'problems' to professionals. The disciples were 'unlearned and ignorant men' yet by the power of Pentecost they preached sermons that brought people to repentance and new life in Christ. Why should we think that we need different approaches and different methods today? The Bible still stands as a testament to God's heart for His people.

God bless.

By my sharing this, I am in no way discrediting those good-hearted believers who are involved in more 'professional/worldy' type counseling. I am sure they care about people who are hurting, and I am sure they desire to help people and I applaud their efforts to reach out with helping hands. My heart in sharing this is that we would do things God's way, which is a safer way to help people.

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