Saturday, November 30, 2013

In Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs...

I was going to do my normal Saturday posting of a song but I have several to share from the past few weeks while I was away. Be blessed, be encouraged. And go forth in His name!

While I was at Bible School, there were several hard things
I was dealing with, including hearing the heart cries of
various young women in hard circumstances.
This song blessed me almost every day as I
either prepared for the day, or as I sat alone with God
before I retired for the night.
"Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go,
My daily labor to pursue;
Thee, only Thee, resolved to know
In all I think or speak or do.
The task Thy wisdom hath assigned,
O let me cheerfully fulfill;
In all my works Thy presence find,
And prove Thy good and perfect will.
Preserve me from my calling’s snare,
And hide my simple heart above,
Above the thorns of choking care,
The gilded baits of worldly love.
Thee may I set at my right hand,
Whose eyes mine inmost substance see,
And labor on at Thy command,
And offer all my works to Thee.
Give me to bear Thy easy yoke,
And every moment watch and pray,
And still to things eternal look,
And hasten to Thy glorious day.
For Thee delightfully employ
Whate’er Thy bounteous grace hath giv’n;
And run my course with even joy,
And closely walk with Thee to Heav’n."
This was one of the songs sung
by the chorus at Bible School which
has often been part of my heart cry to God
through the years. Especially the line
"The task Thy wisdom hath assigned
oh let me cheerfully fulfill"...
There have been tasks His wisdom has assigned me,
and I have stared at them, down a seeming dark tunnel
with no light or end in sight.
BUT, like I told some of my friends while
visiting recently,
"The best decision I ever made was to believe
and call on the name of the Lord Jesus for salvation.
And the second best decision I ever made is
that I would die to all of me so that He can
live and work through me. It has been my
purpose to die quickly so that His life
can live more fully in me."
So it doesn't matter if the way looks dark
or the tasks seem huge.
I know HIM and the power of HIS might.
That is all I need, right?!
yet another song the Bible School chorus sang
that resonates in my soul...
Where ever would I be without that love???
and finally, let us look up,
for our redemption draws near!
I look back over this year and reflect on
lessons learned, pathways walked with Him.
I would have to say that this song in particular
summarizes my year of ponderings,
and climbing.
I would have to say that after several years of
heartache and seeking the Lord in intense
soul searching and with many questions,
I come to the Higher Ground of
walking by faith and not by sight...
I come to the place of not needing to know
why or what or how or when
but am content to just BE His and enjoy
His being MINE...
One day we will all stand before the judgment seat
of Christ and give an account of what we chose
to do with Him while we lived on Earth.
Because of Him, I look forward to that day!
He lives.
For the short remainder of this year 2013,
This blog may be on slight delay of the normal daily posts
you have been accustomed to since its beginning.
I have quite a few things I would like to devote my attention to
this winter, Lord willing...
~sewing with my girls,
~writing a book (maybe)
~discipling young women He has brought into my life
~schooling my children
~several out-of-state trips planned
~hosting company
~deep cleaning my home
Feel free to check in here often.
But I thought I should warn you that posting
may be fairly sparse for awhile...
God bless you.

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