Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving on Thursday...

Well, here I am, back after a very slow time on this blog. I've been busy with youth Bible School and then a family trip to the south and west and Midwest.

I come home from being away 3 weeks and am deeply grateful to my heavenly Father...

~for my family who truly is 'the dearest on earth to me'. That is no small statement, given that at one time this poor woman was an emotional wreck with nary a vision for godly family life or marriage!

~for enlightening the eyes of my understanding and for taking me seriously when I asked that He would make me more like Jesus every day. Painful to the flesh it has been but oh, such sweetness and richness in Him!

~that when fathers and mothers forsake their children, the Lord truly does take them up...

~that when we are free in Him, we are free INDEED!
~that my 'knight in shining armor' continues to give me unwavering love and loyalty...
in spite of all my faults and stumblings.
~that I have wonderful daughters who love home and family
 and willingly serve in the home God gave them.
some of the wonderful young women who stayed with me
 during the week of Bible school
~that I have been privileged to work with wonderful youth at Bible school this year again. So many who love the Lord and want to honor Him with their lives! I don't think they know how much they encourage this 'elderly matron' (a nickname for me with an interesting beginning!) who sometimes has staggered at the masses falling away from the Truth...

~that all through the past 2 weeks I have met with those who earnestly seek Him from Oklahoma to Texas to Missouri...the people of the living God are truly my favorites in the whole wide world! And even while on the road, I had contact from other places with people of the living God, greatly encouraging me and strengthening my hand in Him!

~that I have sweet friends, people of the living God, to come home to here in New York
(after 3 weeks of being away)...
we made it in fine spirits to the top of the lighthouse rock
 in Palo Duro Canyon, TX
a 6 mile "not your walk in the park" round trip hike!
something I could not have done a few years ago
~that after years of wandering thru sickness both in my soul and body, I have been healed.
~that I have a son who has a heart of gold...who cares about his mama and makes sure that I am cared for when he feels I might be threatened or need assistance (such as in rough places when hiking).
~that we have freezers and shelves filled with the harvest and the fruit of our hands from summer... we shall not be afraid of winter.
~that reconciliations in friendships still happen today...even though they might have been 20 years in coming. What a reason to continue to hope for the relationships that are divided by kingdom loyalties. They cause a lot of hurt and heartache...
but reconcilations sure cause the heart to rejoice and hope!
~that my name is written in the palm of His hand and NOTHING or NO ONE can take me from His hand. I am abiding under the shadow of the Almighty and He truly is my shield and my refuge, my God, in whom I will trust.
So today, while we in America traditionally observe Thanksgiving day, I also want to stand up and proclaim that every day shall be a Thanks Living Day...because He lives. Without Him I am nothing.
my theme verse of the year!
This past year has been one of the most painful ones I have ever lived but it has been filled with a sense of deep peace in the sustaining hand of my Father God. This year I have learned more about the power of praising God than I ever have before. Praise cannot wait until all is 'well' in my circumstances. Praise is telling God that I cannot but I know Him and the power of His might. Praise tells Him that He is God and that I completely (even tho on wobbly feet at times) trust Him and that He truly will and does work all things out to those who love Him. Nothing in this old, sinful world is perfect. But to know HIM is to fill my heart with the hope of eternal life, that one day, I shall see Him face to face and know, even as I am known now.
Until, then, I am content in whatever state I am. Truly. And my heart is deeply thankful to Him who did not slay me, though many times He had the right to do so...but instead, He has given me Life and life more abundantly through Him who died for me!
"The LORD is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusted in him,
and I am helped:
 therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;
and with my song will I praise him"
Psalm 28:7

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Marcia. Thanks "living!" Is a beautiful thing. Contentment and thankfulness make a very beautiful person and people love to be around them. Blessings!


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