Saturday, December 21, 2013

My All in All..

pointsettias in sun after rain

Jesus said
"I am come to give them life,
and life more abundant."

If Jesus came to give us abundant
life, then it surely must
mean that we can
"run through and leap over"
(Psalm 18:28)
every obstacle
on the giant obstacle course
of life.

Living the abundant life
Jesus came to give
surely means that even now, 
on this side of eternity, we can live
 life with joyful abandon
no matter how many disappointments we have
from those who once walked with us in Truth
or over those who presented Truth outwardly but did
not know Him truly...

This abundant life means that we have all the Power needed
to remain calm and count our blessings in the midst 
of a trying morning where you are tired and your
scholar boy isn't having the desire needed to be 
or when you are stunned by someone's blatant
disregard for the precious simplicity that is in Christ,
trading it up for a more complicated doctrine
laced with falsehood and denying the one,
True God you love and adore...
or when squabbling over non~essentials
is more important than serving one another...
(fill in the blank if I missed something!)

This abundant life must mean that we can keep our opinions
to ourselves if they are not edifying or are selfish.

This abundant life must mean that we can communicate 
with others without hurling accusations and rude remarks
and that we are swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger.

This abundant life must mean, then, that God's children who truly
know the Lord Jesus Christ will make every effort to follow
the Jesus they profess...
obeying Him every single day, consistently.

This abundant life means that daughters and sons are
wanted and nurtured and raised up in the Lord.

This abundant life means that we lay down our lives for our friends.
No pride of will or lust of station allowed to pass through from 
temptation to thought and action.

The reason this is so is because
who He says He is and 
does what He says He will do.

Life is so not about me.
It is about Him.
So therefore, nothing my old flesh feels
is of any value when put up against
the new life of Christ,
the one that denies me and says
YES to bringing Him glory.

The abundant life, with the rivers of living water
flowing out of our innermost beings
simply cannot be reality for us if
we hold onto what He asked us to give away...
It cannot happen in our life if we
refuse to truly commit ourselves wholly to Him.

Just suppose that all the bad things 
you ever experienced
in your life:
parental neglect, sexual abuse, the brunt of mockery,
falsely accused, misunderstood, demeaned in any way,
gossiped about, rudely spoken to, beaten, slapped around
by those who were supposed to be there to nurture you,
orphaned and neglected by society, etc
can be used for good if you love God and 
can bring Him glory if we commit ourselves wholly to Him?

Just suppose we deny Him that glory by refusing to believe His
promises and by refusing to give ourselves wholly over to Him?

We miss out.
But He misses out even more.

As for me, I have not regretted for one minute
the choice I made to give myself 
wholly to Him.
And the more I give Him,
 the more contented and trusting 
I become, willing to sorrow for what is unrighteous and lost
but serene and standing firmly on Christ, the solid Rock.

Arise, then and live that abundant LIFE...
What fire would stir in both our own hearts
and spread to others whose hearts also need to be stirred.

The beginning of the verse I quoted
 from John 10
says that the enemy comes
seeking to kill, steal and destroy...
To be wary of that enemy every single day,
to hide under the shadow of the wings
of the Almighty
and to choose Jesus every day is to 
defy that enemy and to deny the flesh that naturally
serves the enemy.

What lies we let the enemy tell us...
Lies like
helping us to fear that we will lose our true self
if we give ourselves completely to Him.
Lies that help us to stay stuck
because we don't believe that He has
abundant life for us,
only hardship and dullness.

Life in Christ is never ever dull.
It is beautiful,
and full of light,
to say the least!

I know that I need to climb still higher in this
abundant living,
being changed from glory to glory
as I walk thru this dark, old sinful world
on my way Home.
And as I told someone recently,
I am determined to live my life for Jesus
with purpose
and no matter what obstacles I face.

He is worthy...

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